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From n-gon Wiki
listen here I was just scrolling on the n-gon wiki after finishing my social studies test (who supplied the continental army in the winter of valley forge btw) and I clicked on tlinat and it gave me an editor so I just you know completed it. sorry.
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hello uh I play n gon (sorry for the informal grammar) and I remember tlinat being a maze with a link to a discord server and if you keep going right in the spawn area you will be teleported into the maze and then there will the I think its called ghosters and they can MERGE!!!!! or at least in my experience. and then like uh if you kill the merged ones where there's A LOT of them then a ton of blocks will appear and like  it may cause lag. also I remember when you collide with them you eject ammo orbs.
'''tlinat''' is a [[community map]] by [[User:Destiny|Richard0820]].

(imagine if you kept this page untouched and like its poor grammar)
'''tlinat''' is a maze with a link to a discord server and if you keep going right in the spawn area you will be teleported into the maze and then there will the I think its called ghosters and they can merge. If you kill the merged ones where there's A LOT of them then a ton of blocks will appear and it may cause lag. also I remember when you collide with them you eject ammo orbs.
*'''Be patient.''' You'll get to the end in time.
*Most dead ends are short and/or can be easily spotted.
*[[wormhole]] with [[affine connection]] is extremely useful.
**Even without affine connection, wormhole can help as it can suck up blocks of ghosters.
==Update history==

Latest revision as of 07:40, 3 March 2025

This article is a stub. You can help the n-gon Wiki by expanding it.
This article is about community (i.e. fanmade) content related to n-gon. The information presented here is created by fans and may not be officially endorsed or affiliated with landgreen.

tlinat is a community map by Richard0820.


tlinat is a maze with a link to a discord server and if you keep going right in the spawn area you will be teleported into the maze and then there will the I think its called ghosters and they can merge. If you kill the merged ones where there's A LOT of them then a ton of blocks will appear and it may cause lag. also I remember when you collide with them you eject ammo orbs.


  • Be patient. You'll get to the end in time.
  • Most dead ends are short and/or can be easily spotted.
  • wormhole with affine connection is extremely useful.
    • Even without affine connection, wormhole can help as it can suck up blocks of ghosters.

Update history



official maps unique maps initialreservoirfactoryinterferometerreactorsubwayfinal
normal maps labsrooftopsskyscraperswarehousehighriseofficeaeriesatellitesewerstestChamberpavilionlocktowersflocculationgravitronsubstructurecorridor
training mode maps walk • crouch • jump • hold • throw • throwAt • deflect • heal • fire • nailGun • shotGun • superBalls • wave • missile • stack • mine • grenades • harpoon
community maps in n-gon gauntletstrongholdbasementcrossfirevatsrunngonhouseperplexcoliseumtunnelislandstempledrippbiohazardstereoMadnessyingYangstaircasefortresscommandeerclockbuttonbuttondownpoursuperNgonBrosunderpasscantilevertlinatruinsacecrimsonTowersLaunchSiteshipwreckunchartedCavedojoarenasoftflappyGonringstrial
in mods c-gon (descentsplitbifurcateboundary)
removed detourdiamagnetism