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|2024/06/28, [https://github.com/landgreen/n-gon/commit/f43a5e32313ac33cbeb06ac34f40fa54bb674d5d tokamak]
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Revision as of 04:06, 13 January 2025

tech (formerly called mods) are the main power-ups in n-gon. They are found by killing mobs and rarely in the wild. They have 6 types: skins, tech, instant tech,     guntech,     fieldtech, and Junk.

The most significant source of tech is Boss kills.

List of tech

skin     Skins

"skinned" means having any other skin tech.
Image Skin preview Name Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
tungsten carbide +500 maximum health
lose health after hard landings
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity
nitinol 1.3x movement and jumping
seconds of coyote time
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity (originally called squirrel-cage rotor, changed to elasticity at some point, changed to nitinol at some point)
Higgs mechanism 4x fire rate
when firing your position is fixed
not skinned, ship mode, automatic 2021/01/12, Higgs
Verlet integration 3x damage
after mobs die advance time 0.5 seconds
not skinned 2022/05/31, propagator (originally a regular tech called propagator, which instead gave 1.6x damage and could stack 9 times, renamed in 24/7/29, wikipedia)
Hilbert space 4x damage
after a collision enter an alternate reality
not skinned, Ψ(t) collapse, many-worlds 2021/5/6, non-unitary (Originally called non-unitary armor)
aperture every 4 seconds your damage cycles
between 0.8x and 3x damage
not skinned 2023/02/04, skins
diaphragm every 4 seconds your damage taken cycles
between 0.9x and 0.2x damage taken
aperture 2023/02/07, elasticity
mass-energy equivalence energy protects you instead of health not piezoelectricity, CPT, annihilation 2020/04/13, pilot wave field
depolarization 0.5x damage for 4.0 seconds after a mob dies
4x damage otherwise
not skinned 2024/02/08, depolarization
CPT symmertry after losing health, if you have above 85 energy
rewind time for 20 energy per second
not skinned, standing wave, max energy reduction, retrocausality, mass-energy 2020/11/27, CPT (Originally called CPT reversal)


Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
1st ionization energy convert current and future into
give +14 maximum energy
mass-energy equivalence, not quenching 2020/09/26, ionization energy (originally called ionization energy)
repolarization the damage from depolarization
resets after 1.25 seconds sooner after a mob dies
depolarization 2024/02/10, hyperpolarization (originally called hyperpolarization)
causality bots when you rewind build scrap bots
that protect you for about 9 seconds
CPT, retrocausality 2020/12/10, CPT mods
causality bombs when you rewind drop several grenades CPT, retrocausality 2020/12/10, CPT mods
ternary 1.8x damage while your ammo is evenly divisible by 3 2023/03/04, factory
integrated armament 1.3x damage, but new replace
your current and convert   
only 1 gun 2020/07/27, level elevators
ordnance spawn and get 2x frequency for   
+6% Junk choices
2021/03/16, planned obsolescence (originally named gun sciences)
arsenal 1.25x damage per unequipped gun
at least 2 guns 2020/08/14, arsenal generalist mod
cooling 1.25x fire rate per unequipped gun
at least 2 guns 2021/01/08, complex spinstatistics
pigeonhole principle a new gun is chosen to be improved each level
1.3x damage per gun for the chosen gun
at least 2 guns 2022/10/24, pigeonhole principle
generalist spawn 7 gun, but you can't switch gun
your equipped gun cycles for each level
at least 2 guns, at least 5 unclaimed guns 2020/08/14, arsenal, generalist mod
ad hoc spawn a , , , field, gun, or tech
for each of your guns
at least 2 guns 2021/01/07, complex spinstatistics (originally called specialist)
applied science get a random guntech
for each of your guns
at least 2 guns 2021/11/11, applied science
supply chain spawn a gun
spawn equal to current ammo
2020/06/26, neocognitron pulse aim
marginal utility 2x ammo per for gun 2024/03/31, remove keyword
Pareto efficiency for each of your guns
randomly get 5x or 0.2x ammo per
at least 3 guns 2024/01/31, remove keyword
logistics 2x ammo per , but
ammo is only added to your current gun
not non-renewables 2020/06/09, mod: logistics
cache 15x ammo per , but
you can't store any more ammo than that
not non-renewables 2021/10/06, cache
catabolism if you fire while out of ammo
spawn and –2 maximum health
not non-renewables 2020/02/09, added several new mods
non-renewables 2x damage
can't spawn
not catabolism, quasiparticles 2020/09/05, exciton-lattice (originally named exciton-lattice and later shortened to exciton)
desublimated ammunition if crouching
alternating shots use no ammo
2019/10/30, added spore mod
gun turret if crouching
0.3x damage taken
2020/07/07, mod turret mode
dead reckoning if your speed is 0
1.5x damage
2021/01/12, rest frame
kinetic bombardment far away mobs take more damage
up to 1.3x damage at 3000 displacement
2019/12/01, added 5 new mods, power up display, game balance
mechatronics randomly gain between 1x and 1.3x damage 2023/06/15, sort
Newtons 1st law damage taken is proportional to your speed
up to 0.2x damage taken at 55 speed (1.00x)
2020/11/25, pause menu on selection
Newtons 2nd law damage is proportional to your speed
up to 2x damage at 55 speed (1.00x)
2020/11/25, pause menu on selection
microstates use
1.01x damage per bullet or bot
2020/05/18, mod - microstates
regression bullet collisions increase vulnerability to
damage by 1.05x for mobs (+1.025x for bosses)
2021/11/28, affline connection
simulated annealing 1.2x damage
0.8x fire rate
2020/05/31, fire delay mods (originally called electrostatic shots and electrostatic discharge)
dynamical systems use
1.3x damage
2021/07/11, field research tech
heuristics 1.3x fire rate 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called auto-loading heuristics)
anti-shear topology your bullets last 1.3x longer 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called corrosion resistant topology an lorentzian topology)
fracture analysis if a mob is stunned it takes
5x damage from bullet impacts
a stun effect 2019/12/13, added chronon gun
shear stress after mobs die
they fire a nail at nearby mobs
no other mob death tech 2020/04/30, mod - impact shear (originally called impact shear)
thermal runaway after mobs die they explode no other mob death tech 2020/02/17, added requirement text, thermal runaway mod
zoospore vector after die there is a 10% chance
they grow spores
no other mob death tech 2019/10/03, added spore mod
collider after mobs die existing power ups
to from new power ups
2023/01/29, SLOW OPENING DOORs, END OF THE WORLD literally
bubble fusion after destroying a mob's shield
spawn 1-2 , , or (once per mob)
2020/06/23, bubble fusion
enthalpy after mobs die
they have an 8% chance to spawn
2021/12/01, hammer + nail
cascading failure 3x damage to mobs below 25% durability reaction inhibitor 2024/01/04, winter vacation update
reaction inhibitor mobs spawn with 0.88x initial durability not topological defect 2020/02/14, working on mods, added death at 12% mod
scrap bots after mobs dieyou have a 33% chance
to build scrap bots that operate for 15 seconds
no other mob death tech 2020/04/07, mods
scrap refit after mobs die
reset scrap bots to 15 seconds of operation
scrap bots 2021/04/08, refit
nail-bot a bot fires nails at mobs in line of sight 2019/12/07, added laser bot (originally called laser bot and guardian)
nail-bot upgrade convert your bots to nail-bots
5x fire rate and 1.4x nail velocity
2 or more nail bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
foam-bot a bot sprays sticky foam at nearby mobs 2020/05/10, foam bots
foam-bot upgrade convert your bots to foam-bots
foam size and fire rate
2 or more foam bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
sound-bot a bot emits expanding arcs
aimed towards nearby mobs
2020/07/04, sound-bot
sound-bot upgrade convert your bots to sound-bots
wave fire rate and 2.5x damage
2 or more sound bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/07/04, sound-bot
boom-bot a bot defends the space around you
ignites an explosion after hitting a mob
2020/06/29, plasma bot, boom bot
boom-bot upgrade convert your bots to boom-bots
explosion damage and size
2 or more boom bots and no other bot upgrades 2020/08/03, new level boss
laser-bot a bot uses energy to emit a laser beam
that targets nearby mobs
maximum energy above 50 2019/12/07, added laser bot
laser-bot upgrade convert your bots to laser-bots
damage, efficiency, and range
2 or more laser bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
orbital bot a bot is locked in orbit around you
stuns and damages mobs on contact
2020/09/28, orbital bot
orbital-bot upgrade convert your bots to orbital-bots
orbital damage and 1.5x radius
2 or more orbital bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/09/28, orbital bot
dynamo-bot a bot damages mobs while it traces your path
+8 energy per second when nearby
2021/01/29, cloning
dynamo-bot upgrade convert your bots to dynamo-bots
energy per second when nearby
2 or more dynamo bots and no other upgrade 2021/01/29, cloning
perimeter defense for each permanent bot
damage taken
at least 2 bots 2020/07/14, mod - bot fab
network effect for each permanent bot
at least 2 bots 2020/11/29, late game bot mods
bot fabrication after you collect use them to build a
random bot (+1 cost every 5 bots)
at least 2 research 2020/07/14, mod - bot fab mod - bot fab
open-source tech, fields, and gun have +1 bot choice
3x bottech frequency
at least 2 bots 2022/07/24, robotics
ersatz bots double your current permanent bots
remove all guns in your inventory
NOT EXPERIMENT MODE, at least 4 bots 2020/05/24, sniper mob balance, bot replication mod (originally called self-replication, and later bot replication)
robotics spawn 2 random bots at least 3 bots 2022/07/24, robotics
bot manufacturing use to build
3 random bots
at least 4 bots 2020/12/11, nano bots
bot prototypes use to build 2 random bots
and upgrade all bots to a random type
at least 6 bots 2020/12/11, nano bots
decorrelation if you gun and field are unused for 2 seconds
0.3x damage taken
not retrocasuality 2020/09/27, decorrelation
anticorrelation if you gun and field are unused for 2 seconds
2x damage
not retrocasuality 2020/09/27, decorrelation
mass driver 4x block collision damage not wormhole, reek, tokamak 2020/03/13, block throwing
inflation if holding a block 0.1x damage taken
after throwing a block it expands 3x
mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak, wormhole 2021/05/19, inflation
restitution 2.5x block collision damage
after throwing a block it becomes very bouncy
mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak, wormhole 2021/07/29, restitution
flywheel 2.5x block collision damage
after a mob dies its block is flung at mobs
mass driver, no other mob death tech 2021/04/19, throwing blocks are buffed
buckling if a block you threw kills a mob
spawn either , , , , or
mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak 2021/02/09, restitution (originally called inelastic collision)
first derivative while your firstgun is equipped
0.85x damage taken per gun (1.00x)
2019/12/01, added 5 new mods, power up display, game balance (originally called monogamy and later entanglement)
dark matter dark matter slowly gravitates towards you 0.4x damage taken inside
dark matter
2021/05/24, MACHO
entropic gravity crouching pulls the dark matter towards you
1.6x to all dark matter effects
MACHO 2024/05/11, invulnerable
axion while inside the dark matter
2x damage
MACHO 2021/11/28, affine connection
dark star mobs inside the dark matter are damaged
dark matter
MACHO 2023/08/22, dark star
ablative drones after losing health there is a chance
to rebuild your broken parts as drones
2019/11/10, added hornets and ablative synthesis, and ceramic plating (oringinally called ablative synthesis)
non-Newtonian armor after mob collisions
0.3x damage taken for 10 seconds
2020/07/06, mod turret mode
tessellation use
0.6x damage taken
2021/07/11, field research tech
Pauli exclusion for 6 seconds after mob collisions
inhibit energy regen
2022/08/24, boost power ups
spin-statistics theorem for 1.9 seconds out of every 7 seconds
inhibit energy regen
2021/01/07, complex spinstatistics (originally called complex spin-statistics, and later spelled "spin–staistics" with an en dash)
fermion for 6 seconds after mobs die
inhibit energy regen
2024/05/11, invulnerable
abelian group 4x damage while
invincibility tech 2024/05/11, invulnerable
refrigerant after losing at least 5 health
freeze all mobs for 7 seconds
2023/05/07, factory
piezoelectricity if you collide with a mob
generate +2048 energy
not mass-energy 2020/01/05, shield rebalance, difficulty rebalance, piezo and static mods
ground state +266 maximum energy
0.66x passive energy generation
not time crystals 2020/03/29, ground state mod
heat engine 1.4x damage
–50 maximum energy
not CPT 2020/12/05, engine mods
exothermic process 1.6x damage
after mobs die –5 energy
2020/02/16, working on giving custom mod requirements (in progress, buggy) (originally called acute stress response)
Gibbs free energy use
1.01x damage per energy below 100x (1.00x)
2020/12/05, engine mods
overcharge +88 maximum energy
+5% Junktech
2019/12/15, foam gun, mods: overcharge, supersaturate, many beyond adjustments
Maxwells demon energy above max decays 30x slower
+5% Junktech chance
energy above your max 2020/11/16, supercapacitor - overfill energy decays 66% slower (originally called supercapacitor)
inductive charging if crouched 7x passive energy generation
otherwise 0x passive energy generation
not parasitism 2021/06/19, catabolism and inductive coupling (originally called inductive coupling)
energy conservation 1.04x of damage done recovered as energy 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called energy siphon, then later field siphon and energy transfer)
parasitism if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
2x damage, no passive energy generation
not inductive charging 2021/11/20, Occam's razor (originally called predator)
waste heat recovery if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
generate 0.05x max energy per second
2020/02/15, added a few mods and added custom difficulty (originally called waste energy recycling, and later waste energy recovery)
recycling if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
recover 0.005x max health per second
2020/02/15, added a few mods and added custom difficulty (originally called scrap waste recycling, and later scrap recycling)
torpor if a mob has not died in the last 5 seconds
0.3x damage taken
2021/02/19, in game music
stability 0.3x damage taken
while your health is at maximum
2024/06/28, tokamak
instability 2x damage while your damagetaken is 1.00x 2024/06/28, tokamak
control theory 1.5x damage
while your health is at maximum
2024/06/28, tokamak
homeostasis missing health reduces damage taken
down to a limit of 0.2x at 0 health
health below 60 2022/07/24, robotics

    Gun tech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
needle ice after needles impact walls
they chip off 1-2 freezing ice IX crystals
needle gun, needle gun, not nanowires 2021/08/21, needle ice
nanowires needles tunnel through blocks and map
1.2x needle damage
nail gun, needle gun, not needle ice 2021/12/04, grey intro
ceramics needles and harpoons pierce shields
dircetly damaging shielded mobs
nail gun, harpoon, not Bessemer process 2021/09/12, harpoon tech
needle gun nail gun and shotgun fire mob piercing needles nail gun, shotgun, not ice crystal, rivets, rotary cannon, pneumatic, incendiary, nail-shot, foam-shot, worm-shot, ice-shot 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
stress concentration mobs below 50% durability die after you shoot
them near their center with needles or rivets
needles, rivets, not incendiary, supercritical fission 2022/06/19, stress concentatrion
rivet gun nail gun and shotgun slowly lob a heavy rivet nail gun, shotgun, not ice crystal, needles, pneumatic actuator 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
pneumatic actuator nail gun takes no time to ramp up
to its fastest fire rate
nail gun, not rotary cannon, rivets, needles 2020/08/29, nail gun
ice crystal nucleation nail gun uses energy to condense
unlimitied freezing ice shards
nail gun, not rivets, needles 2020/10/21, bug fix
rotary cannon nail gun has increased muzzle speed
maximum fire rate, accuracy, and recoil
nail gun, not pneumatic actuator, needle gun 2021/10/23, rotary cannon
gauge rivets, needles, super balls, and nails
have 1.3x mass and physical damage
nails, nail gun, rivets, shotgun, super balls, mine 2022/12/17, added images
supercritical fission if nails, or rivetssrike mobs
near their center they can explode
nail gun, mine, needles, nails, rivets, not incendiary, stress concentration 2020/10/20, worm hole mods
irradiated nails nails, needles, and rivets are radioactive
1.9x radioactive damage
over 3 seconds
nail gun, nails, rivets, mine, not ceramic needles 2020/05/19, file reoganiation, mod has it's own file
6s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of plutonium-238
damage lasts +3 seconds
nail gun, mine, irradiated nails, not 1s half-life 2020/06/04, minigun ramp up (was named "4s half-life" for a short amount of time before switching back to "6s half-life")
1s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of lithium-238
4x radioactive damage for 1 second
nail gun, mine, irradiated nails, not 6s half-life 2021/10/09, refractory metal
spin-statistics after firing the shotgun you are invulnerable
shotgun has 0.5x bullets per
File:Newtons 3rd law
Newtons 3rd law 1.7x shotgun fire rate and recoil shotgun, not Noether violation
(Image Unavailable) Repeater shotgun immediately fires again for no ammo

reduced 0.5x shotgun fire rate

Shotgun, Not Newton's 3rd Law

    Field tech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
spherical harmonics 1.5x standing wave deflection energy efficiency

shield deflection radius holds it's max range

standing wave, not surface plasmons 2021/06/05
surface plasmons if deflecting drains all your energy

emit laser beams that scale with max energy

standing wave
zero point energy use

+166 maximum energy

standing wave, pilot wave, time dilation
expansion using standing wave field expands its radius

+77 maximum energy

standing wave 2021/06/05, tech: expansion
electronegativity 1.0023x damage per energy

(1.23x damage at max energy)

standing wave, wormhole, pilot wave
bremsstrahlung deflecting and thrown blocks

do braking damage to mobs

standing wave, perfect diamagnetism, pilot wave
cherenkov radiation bremsstrahlung's effects are radiation

3.5x damage over 3 seconds

bremsstrahlung 2022/5/10, tech: cherenkov radiation
flux pinning after deflecting a mob

it is stunned for up to 4 seconds

a field that can block
eddy current brake perfect diamagnetism slows nearby mobs

effect radius scales with stored energy

perfect diamagnetism, not induction brake 2020/10/5, eddy current brake
meissner effect 1.55x perfect diamagnetism radius

+22° perfect diamagnetism circular arc

perfect diamagnetism
radiative equilibrium after losing health

3x damage for 8 seconds

negative mass, pilot wave
dynamic equilibrium increase damage by your last health loss

(damage increase)

negative mass, pilot wave
neutronium 0.8x move and jump, but

if your field is active 0.05x damage taken

negative mass
areostat 2x damage while off the ground

0.85x damage while on the ground

negative mass, grappling hook
annihilation after colliding with non-boss mobs

they are annihilated and -10 energy

negative mass, not mass-energy
inertial mass negative mass is larger and faster negative mass
bot manufacturing use to build

3 random bots

molecular assembler, grappling hook, pilot wave 2020/12/11, nano bots
bot prototypes use to build 2 random bots

and upgrade all bots to that type

molecular assembler, grappling hook, pilot wave 2020/12/11, nano bots
additive manufacturing deflecting and thrown blocks

do braking damage to mobs

standing wave, perfect diamagnetism, pilot wave
pair production after picking up a power up

+200 energy

molecular assembler, pilot wave, standing wave
electric generator after deflecting mobs

molecular assembler generates +50 energy

molecular assembler
combinatorial optimization 1.35x damage

0.65x fire rate

time dilation, cloaking, pilot wave
tokamak throwing a block converts it to energy

and a pulsed fusion explosion

plasma torch, molecular assembler, grappling hook,

not printer, reel, swarf

degenerate matter if your field is active

0.1x damage taken

plasma torch, grappling hook, pilot wave
plasma bot use to trade your field

for a bot that uses energy to emit plasma

plasma torch, not extruder, plasma ball
plasma jet use

1.5x plasma torch range

plasma torch, not plasma ball
extruder extrude a thin hot wire of plasma

increases damage and energy cost

plasma torch, not plasma ball 2020/12/13, extruder
refractory metal extrude metals at a higher temperature

increases effective radius and damage

plasma ball grow an expanding ball of plasma

increases damage and energy cost

plasma torch, not extruder, plasma jet
corona discharge increase the range and frequency

of plasma ball's electric arc

plasma ball
retrocausality time dilation uses energy to rewind your

health, velocity, and position up to 10 seconds

time dilation, not CPT symmetry
frame dragging when not moving time dilation s t o p s t i m e

0.6x damage taken

time dilation
Lorentz transformation use

1.5x movement, jumping, and fire rate

time dilation or pilot wave
time crystals 2.5x passive energy generation

(+6.0 energy per second)

time dilation or pilot wave, not ground state
no-cloning theorem +40% chance to duplicate spawned power ups

after a mob dies -1% DUPLICATION

cloaking, time dilation
metamaterial absorber for each mob left alive after you exit a level

there is a 25% chance to spawn a random power up

symbiosis after a boss dies spawn and a tech

after a mob dies -0.25 maximum health

boson composite while cloaked you are intangible

to blocks and mobs, but mobs drain energy

metamaterial cloaking
patch after cloaking recover 0.75x

of your last health lost

metamaterial cloaking, not mass-energy 2022/7/26, patch
dazzler after decloaking

stun nearby mobs for 2 second

metamaterial cloaking 2020/9/26, ionization energy
topological defect 2.1x damage to mobs at maximum durability cloaking, pilot wave, not reaction inhibitor 2024/1/4, winter vacation update
WIMPs at the end of each level spawn and a dangerous particle that slowly chases you wormhole, pilot wave, time dilation 2021/5/13, WIMPs
vacuum fluctuation use

+11% chance to duplicate spawned power ups

wormhole, time dilation, negative mass, pilot wave 2021/7/11, field research tech

(originally named virtual particles)

transdimensional worms after a block falls into a wormhole

spawn a worm

wormhole 2022/4/11, wiggle
geodesics your bullets can traverse wormholes

1.5x damage

wormhole 2020/10/20, worm hole mods

(originally named traversable geodesics)

cosmic string after tunneling through mobs with a wormhole

stun them and do worm damage

wormhole 2020/10/18, wormhole mods
invariant while placing your wormhole

use energy to pause time

wormhole, not eternalism 2022/1/13, invariant
charmed baryons 0.66x movement and jumping

wormholes cost zero energy

wormhole, not affine connection
affine connection wormholes can tunnel through anything

for 2x energy cost

wormhole, not charmed baryons
CIWS grappling hook uses 10 energy to fire harpoons at nearby mobs grappling hook
swarf after grappling hook impacts something eject nails splinters towards nearby mobs grappling hook, not reel, tokamak 2023/11/25, grappling hook 2nd update
(originally named rupture)
reel 5x block collision damage

up to +100 energy after reeling in blocks

grappling hook, not mass driver, swarf, tokamak 2023/12/3, grapple tech