Maps, or levels, are unique environments you must travel through. You need to reach the blue door to access the next map.
List of Maps
Official Maps
Unique Maps
These are levels that can only spawn under special conditions. Initial is always the first level, and subway and final are always the last 2. Reactor always spawns once per game towards the middle of the run. One of the other 3 levels will also appear per game, as a challenge to the player.
- initial
- reservoir
- factory
- interferometer
- reactor
- subway
- final
Normal Maps
These are levels made by Landgreen. These levels can spawn at almost any point in a run, and are generally fairly simple levels. Levels added after pavilion are referred to as “modern maps”.
- labs
- rooftops
- skyscrapers
- warehouse
- highrise
- office
- aerie
- satellite
- sewers
- testChamber
- pavilion
- lock
- towers
- flocculation
- gravitron
- substructure
Community Maps
Community maps are maps were created by the community. You can turn them on in the game settings before starting a game.
- gauntlet by
- stronghold by Francois
- basement by Francois
- crossfire by iNoobBoi
- vats by Dablux
- run by iNoobBoi
- ngon by Oranger
- house by Francois
- perplex by Oranger
- coliseum by iNoobBoi
- tunnel by Scarlettt
- islands by Richard0820
- temple by Scar1337
- dripp by M. B.
- biohazard by INOOBBOI and THESCHWARMA
- stereoMadness by Richard0820
- yingYang by Richard0820
- staircase by ryanbear
- fortress by Desboot
- commandeer by Desboot
- clock by Cornbread 2100
- buttonbutton by ||Destabilized E||
- downpour by DesBoot
- superNgonBros by Desboot
- underpass by Richard 0820
- cantilever by Eclipse#7932
- tlinat by Richard0820
- ruins by SiddhUPe
- ace by Richard0820
- crimsonTowers by Richard0820
- LaunchSite by DesBoot
- shipwreck by 3xionDev
- unchartedCave by 3xionDev
- dojo by werid_pusheen, fixed by Cornbread 2100
- arena by Whyisthisnotavalable and Richard0820
- soft by Richard0820
- flappyGon by Digin
- rings by ThatLittleFrog
- trial by Cirryn and Tarantula Hawk
Training Maps
These maps are only found in Training Mode.
- walk
- crouch
- jump
- hold
- throw
- throwAt
- deflect
- heal
- fire
- nailGun
- shotGun
- superBalls
- wave
- missile
- stack
- mine
- grenades
- harpoon
Removed Maps
These maps were removed from the game.