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From n-gon Wiki
Revision as of 08:48, 11 January 2025 by SquareCube (talk | contribs) (added skin tech from Fandom)

tech (formerly called mods) are the main power-ups in n-gon. They are found by killing mobs and rarely in the wild. They have 6 types: skins, tech, instant tech,     guntech,     fieldtech, and Junk.

The most significant source of tech is Boss kills.

List of tech

skin     Skins

"skinned" means having any other skin tech.
Image Skin preview Name Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
tungsten carbide +500 maximum health
lose health after hard landings
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity
nitinol 1.3x movement and jumping
seconds of coyote time
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity (originally called squirrel-cage rotor, changed to elasticity at some point, changed to nitinol at some point)
Higgs mechanism 4x fire rate
when firing your position is fixed
not skinned, ship mode, automatic 2021/01/12, Higgs
Verlet integration 3x damage
after mobs die advance time 0.5 seconds
not skinned Unknown (originally a regular tech called propagator, which instead gave 1.6x damage and could stack 9 times, renamed in 24/7/29, wikipedia)
Hilbert space 4x damage
after a collision enter an alternate reality
not skinned, Ψ(t) collapse, many-worlds 21/5/6, non-unitary (Originally called non-unitary armor)
aperture every 4 seconds your damage cycles
between 0.8x and 3x damage
not skinned 2023/02/04, skins
diaphragm every 4 seconds your damage taken cycles
between 0.9x and 0.2x damage taken
aperture 2023/02/07, elasticity
mass-energy equivalence energy protects you instead of health not piezoelectricity, CPT, annihilation 2020/04/13, pilot wave field
depolarization 0.5x damage for 4.0 seconds after a mob dies
4x damage otherwise
not skinned 2024/02/08, depolarization
CPT symmertry after losing health, if you have above 85 energy
rewind time for 20 energy per second
not skinned, standing wave, max energy reduction, retrocausality, mass-energy 2020/11/27, CPT (Originally called CPT reversal)