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Revision as of 07:47, 24 January 2025 by SquareCube (talk | contribs) (copied table from Fandom wiki)

Junk tech are a type of tech in n-gon that only appears in choices when you intentionally add it to the tech pool. Junk are usually either an entirely cosmetic, absurd, or even harmful tech that will effectively waste a slot in the tech pool.


Name Description Clarifications Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
sleipnir Grow more legs Skin is converted to normal... with a lot more legs

Reference to the Norse mythological creature, an eight legged horse

palantír See far away lands A reference to palantíri, crystal balls from the Lord Of The Rings that allow the user to see far away lands. Will let you look further away with the cursor, and is one of few beneficial junk tech.
posture Stand a bit taller Improves M's posture.
rule 30 ... An expanding fractal that clogs up your tech screen. Will never get smaller even if you close the tech screen and find it again later.
rule 90
planned obsolescence Build 100 scrap bots. Bots might last for 60 seconds 100 random scrap bots with upgrades applicable are made. The warranty lasts 59 seconds.
mobs! Spawns 20 mobs of one type Can be any mob.
Panpsychicm Awaken all blocks. Blocks have a chance to drop powerups All blocks become enemies and attack you. Interestingly, the name of this tech implies that all blocks are just sleeping mobs.
Reincarnation Kill all mobs and spawn new ones. Also spawns a few new ones for fun Performs as advertised.
n-gone Become invisible to yourself. Mobs can still see you Makes the player invisible. Mobs are still able to target you.
not a bug Initiate a totally safe game crash for 10 seconds Initiates a game crash which resolves itself after 10 seconds.
paradolia don't Gives the player a little face. : )
what the block Throwing blocks instead throws yourself When picking up and throwing a block, the player is thrown in the direction aimed, while the block stays where it is.
stubs No toes are drawn on the player; you can wall climb though Self explanatory.
placebo 7.77x damage Damage you do is now multiplied by 777%. Really.
universal healthcare All your damage is turned negative Player attacks heal mobs. Helpful for pacifist runs.
energy investment Invest your energy every 5 seconds

Every other 5 seconds, your energy returns redoubled

Every 5 seconds, alternates between draining all of your energy and giving double back. Maxwells demon will not help you.
Grenade production Drop a grenade every 2 seconds Spawns a grenade at your location every 2 seconds.
p-zombie Set your health to 1

All mobs excluding bosses are resurrected as infected zombies

Make sure to reload, I'm about to get the tech:maxAmmo!
ship Fly around the area without legs

Enemy difficulty reduced by two levels

Grants flight. Left & right for turning, up for acceleration. Based on the ship controlling from Planetesimals, itself based on Asteroids.
automatic You can't fire when moving, and always fire when at rest While moving, your guns are disabled. While stationary, your guns cannot be turned off.
Mouth Mobs have a non-functional mouth
Non-functional mouth demonstration
Non-functional mouth demonstration
tinker permanently unlocked junktech in experiment mode. this effect is stored for future visits. One of two good Junk Tech.
all-stars all mobs look like stars
The appearance of a Hopper with the all-stars junk tech
All mobs look like stars, with points equal to their original shape's number of vertices.
circular symmetry turning the ship rotates the universe instead

2x damage

Centers the camera on the ship, and not on a spot between M and the cursor.
diegesis indicate firecooldown through a rotation of your head. di·e·ge·sis/ˌ

dīəˈjēsis/noun noun: diegesis; plural noun: diegeses

Diegesis is a style of fiction storytelling in which a participating narrator offers an on-site, often interior, view of the scene to the reader, viewer, or listener by subjectively describing the actions and, in some cases, thoughts, of one or more characters.

NFT buy your current game seed: [INSERT SEED HERE]

no one is allowed to use your game seeds

if they use them they are gonna get in trouble

Will store your current games seed and any seeds stored with this tech later. And no one can have any of them. Not even if they take a picture.
black hole cluster spawn 30 nearby black holes Spawns 30 black holes. Does not summon black holes in real life. Citation needed.]
wall jump jump on walls wall on jumps

(lower legs are removed)

prism you cycle through different colors Whee!!
true colors set all power ups to their real world colors the current game seed randomizes the looks of each power up. Is not actually related to real life.
music add music to n-gon opens youtube with a playlist with a semi-official OST for n-gon.
pitch oscillate the pitch of your world Rotates your screen left then right, repeating.
motion sickness disable camera soothing Disables camera smoothing. All camera movement is jerky and unpleasant. Going downstairs is confirmed to be so unpleasant as to kill you in real life.