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From n-gon Wiki

tech (formerly called mods) are the main power ups in n-gon. They are found by killing mobs and rarely in the wild. They have 6 types: skins, tech, instant tech,   guntech,   fieldtech, and Junk.

The most significant source of tech is Boss kills.

List of tech

skin Skins

skins are a type of tech that change your appearance. You can (generally) only have one skin.

"skinned" means having any other skin tech.
Image Skin preview Name Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
tungsten carbide +500 maximum health
lose health after hard landings
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity
nitinol 1.3x movement and jumping
seconds of coyote time
not skinned 2023/02/07, elasticity (originally called squirrel-cage rotor, changed to elasticity at some point, changed to nitinol at some point)
Higgs mechanism 4x fire rate
while firing your position is fixed
not skinned, ship mode, automatic 2021/01/12, Higgs
Verlet integration 3x damage
after mobs die advance time 0.5 seconds
not skinned 2022/05/31, propagator (originally a regular tech called propagator, which instead gave 1.6x damage and could stack 9 times, renamed in 24/7/29, wikipedia)
Hilbert space 4x damage
after a collision enter an alternate reality
not skinned, Ψ(t) collapse, many-worlds 2021/5/6, non-unitary (Originally called non-unitary armor)
aperture every 4 seconds your damage cycles
between 0.8x and 3x damage
not skinned 2023/02/04, skins
diaphragm every 4 seconds your damage taken cycles
between 0.9x and 0.2x damage taken
aperture 2023/02/07, elasticity
mass-energy equivalence energy protects you instead of health not piezoelectricity, CPT, annihilation 2020/04/13, pilot wave field
depolarization 0.5x damage for 4.0 seconds after a mob dies
4x damage otherwise
not skinned 2024/02/08, depolarization
CPT symmertry after losing health, if you have above 85 energy
rewind time for 20 energy per second
not skinned, standing wave, max energy reduction, retrocausality, mass-energy 2020/11/27, CPT (Originally called CPT reversal)


These are all the normal tech in the game.

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
1st ionization energy convert current and future into
give +14 maximum energy
mass-energy equivalence, not quenching 2020/09/26, ionization energy (originally called ionization energy)
repolarization the damage from depolarization
resets after 1.25 seconds sooner after a mob dies
depolarization 2024/02/10, hyperpolarization (originally called hyperpolarization)
causality bots when you rewind build scrap bots that protect you for about 9 seconds CPT, retrocausality 2020/12/10, CPT mods
causality bombs when you rewind drop several grenades CPT, retrocausality 2020/12/10, CPT mods
ternary 1.9x damage while your ammo is evenly divisible by 3
2023/03/04, factory
integrated armament 1.3x damage, but new replace
your current and convert   
only 1 gun 2020/07/27, level elevators
arsenal for each unused in your inventory 1.25x damage
at least 2 guns 2020/08/14, arsenal generalist mod
cooling for each unused in your inventory 1.25x fire rate
at least 2 guns 2021/01/08, complex spinstatistics
pigeonhole principle 1.4x damage per , but your active cycles each level and you can't switch at least 2 guns 2022/10/24, pigeonhole principle
marginal utility 2x ammo per for [random gun] 2024/03/31, remove keyword
Pareto efficiency all your randomly get 5x or 0.2x ammo per at least 3 guns 2024/01/31, remove keyword
logistics 2x ammo per , but ammo is only added to your current not non-renewables 2020/06/09, mod: logistics
cache 15x ammo per , but you can't store additional ammo not non-renewables 2021/10/06, cache
catabolism if you fire while out of ammo spawn and –2 maximum health not non-renewables 2020/02/09, added several new mods
non-renewables 2x damage
you can't pickup
not catabolism, quasiparticles 2020/09/05, exciton-lattice (originally named exciton-lattice and later shortened to exciton)
desublimated ammunition if crouching alternating shots cost no ammo 2019/10/30, added spore mod
gun turret if crouching0.3x damage taken 2020/07/07, mod turret mode
dead reckoning if your speed is 0
1.5x damage
2021/01/12, rest frame
kinetic bombardment far away mobs take more damage
up to 1.3x damage at 3000 displacement
2019/12/01, added 5 new mods, power up display, game balance
microstates use
1.01x damage per bullet or bot


2020/05/18, mod - microstates
regression bullet collisions increase vulnerability to damage by 1.05x for mobs and +1.025x for bosses 2021/11/28, affline connection
simulated annealing 1.2x damage
0.8x fire rate
2020/05/31, fire delay mods (originally called electrostatic shots and electrostatic discharge)
heuristics 1.3x fire rate 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called auto-loading heuristics)
mechatronics randomly gain between 1x and 1.3x damage 2023/06/15, sort
dynamical systems use
1.3x damage
2021/07/11, field research tech
anti-shear topology your bullets last 1.3x longer 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called corrosion resistant topology an lorentzian topology)
fracture analysis if a mob is stunned it takes
5x damage from bullet impacts
a stun effect 2019/12/13, added chronon gun
remineralization after mobs die gain 0.85x damage taken
effects stack, but fade 10% every second


2025/01/05, demineralization
demineralization after mobs die gain 1.08x damage
effects stack, but fade 10% every second


2025/01/05, demineralization
shear stress after mobs die
they fire a nail at nearby mobs
2020/04/30, mod - impact shear (originally called impact shear)
thermal runaway after mobs die they explode 2020/02/17, added requirement text, thermal runaway mod
zoospore vector after mobs die there is a 10% chance
they grow spores
2019/10/03, added spore mod
exciton after mobs die they have a +14% to spawn that give 2.25x damage for 10 seconds
band gap give an additional 1.75x damage but their duration is reduced by 1 second exciton, quasiparticles
polariton also give 0.3x damage taken for 10 seconds exciton, quasiparticles
collider after mobs die existing power ups
to from new power ups
2023/01/29, SLOW OPENING DOORs, END OF THE WORLD literally
bubble fusion after destroying a mob's shield
spawn 1-2 , , or

(once per mob)

2020/06/23, bubble fusion
enthalpy 8% chance to spawn after mobs die 2021/12/01, hammer + nail
cascading failure 3x damage to mobs below 25% durability reaction inhibitor 2024/01/04, winter vacation update
reaction inhibitor mobs spawn with 0.88x initial durability not topological defect 2020/02/14, working on mods, added death at 12% mod
scrap bots after mobs die you have a 33% chance to build scrap bots that operate for 15 seconds no other mob death tech 2020/04/07, mods
scrap refit after mobs die reset scrap bots to 15 seconds of operation scrap bots 2021/04/08, refit
nail-bot construct a bot that fires nails at mobs 2019/12/07, added laser bot (originally called laser bot and guardian)
nail-bot upgrade convert your bots to nail-bots
4x fire rate and 1.4x nail velocity
2 or more nail bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
foam-bot construct a bot thatsprays sticky foam at nearby mobs 2020/05/10, foam bots
foam-bot upgrade convert your bots to foam-bots
2.5x foam size and fire rate
2 or more foam bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
sound-bot construct a bot emits expanding arcs aimed towards nearby mobs 2020/07/04, sound-bot
sound-bot upgrade convert your bots to sound-bots
6x wave damage
2 or more sound bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/07/04, sound-bot
boom-bot a bot defends the space around you
ignites an explosion after hitting a mob
2020/06/29, plasma bot, boom bot
boom-bot upgrade convert your bots to boom-bots
4x explosion damage and size
2 or more boom bots and no other bot upgrades 2020/08/03, new level boss
laser-bot construct a bot that uses energy to emit a laser beam that targets nearby mobs maximum energy above 50 2019/12/07, added laser bot
laser-bot upgrade convert your bots to laser-bots
2x damage, efficiency, and range
2 or more laser bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/08/03, new level boss
orbital bot construct a bot locked in orbit around you that
stuns and damages mobs
2020/09/28, orbital bot
orbital-bot upgrade convert your bots to orbital-bots
4x orbital damage and 2x radius
2 or more orbital bots and no other bot upgrade 2020/09/28, orbital bot
dynamo-bot construct a bot that damages mobs and generates +8 energy per second when nearby 2021/01/29, cloning
dynamo-bot upgrade convert your bots to dynamo-bots
+24 energy per second when nearby
2 or more dynamo bots and no other upgrade 2021/01/29, cloning
perimeter defense for each permanent bot
damage taken


at least 2 bots 2020/07/14, mod - bot fab
network effect for each permanent bot
at least 2 bots 2020/11/29, late game bot mods
bot fabrication after you collect use them to build a random bot
(+1 cost every 3 bots)
at least 2 research 2020/07/14, mod - bot fab mod - bot fab
open-source , , and have +1 bot choice
3x frequency for with bots
at least 2 bots 2022/07/24, robotics
decorrelation if your and keys are unused for 2 seconds
0.3x damage taken
not retrocasuality 2020/09/27, decorrelation
anticorrelation if your and keys are unused for 2 seconds
2x damage
not retrocasuality 2020/09/27, decorrelation
mass driver 4x block collision damage not wormhole, reel, or tokamak 2020/03/13, block throwing
Halbach array throwing a block will also throw other nearby blocks mass driver, printer, not wormhole, pilot wave, or tokamak
inflation if holding a block 0.1x damage taken
after throwing a block it expands 3x
mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak, or wormhole 2021/05/19, inflation
restitution 2.5x block collision damage
after throwing a block it becomes very bouncy
mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak, wormhole 2021/07/29, restitution
flywheel 2.5x block collision damage
after a mob dies its block is flung at mobs
mass driver, no other mob death tech 2021/04/19, throwing blocks are buffed
buckling if a block kills a mob there's a 50% chance to spawn either , , , , or mass driver, not pilot wave, tokamak 2021/02/09, restitution (originally called inelastic collision)
first derivative 0.85x damage taken taken per in your inventory while the 1st in your inventory is equipped


2019/12/01, added 5 new mods, power up display, game balance (originally called monogamy and later entanglement)
dark matter dark matter slowly gravitates towards you

0.4x damage taken inside dark matter

2021/05/24, MACHO
axion while inside dark matter
2x damage
dark matter 2021/11/28, affine connection
dark energy while inside dark matter generate 10 energy per second dark matter
MACHO dark matter's effects are only active outside its range
1.6x to all dark matter effects
dark matter, not entropic dravity, dark star
entropic gravity crouching pulls the dark matter towards you
1.6x to all dark matter effects
dark matter, not MACHO 2024/05/11, invulnerable
dark star mobs inside dark matter are damaged
1.3x dark matter radius
dark matter, not MACHO 2023/08/22, dark star
non-Newtonian armor after mob collisions
0.4x damage taken for 10 seconds
2020/07/06, mod turret mode
tessellation use
0.6x damage taken
2021/07/11, field research tech
Pauli exclusion for 7 seconds after mob collisions
become invulnerable and inhibit energy regen
2022/08/24, boost power ups
spin-statistics theorem for 1.9 seconds out of every 7 seconds
become invulnerable and inhibit energy regen
2021/01/07, complex spinstatistics (originally called complex spin-statistics, and later spelled "spin–staistics" with an en dash)
fermion for 7 seconds after mobs die
become invulnerable and inhibit energy regen
2024/05/11, invulnerable
abelian group 3x damage while invulnerable invincibility tech 2024/05/11, invulnerable
refrigerant after losing at least 5 health
freeze all mobs for 7 seconds
2023/05/07, factory
piezoelectricity if you collide with a mob
generate +2048 energy
not mass-energy 2020/01/05, shield rebalance, difficulty rebalance, piezo and static mods
ground state +300 maximum energy
0.66x passive energy generation
not time crystals 2020/03/29, ground state mod
heat engine 1.4x damage
–50 maximum energy
not CPT 2020/12/05, engine mods
exothermic process 1.6x damage
after mobs die –5 energy
2020/02/16, working on giving custom mod requirements (in progress, buggy) (originally called acute stress response)
Gibbs free energy 1.006x damage for each missing energy(1.00x) 2020/12/05, engine mods
overcharge +100 maximum energy
+5% Junk choices
2019/12/15, foam gun, mods: overcharge, supersaturate, many beyond adjustments
Maxwells demon energy above max decays 30x slower
+5% Junk choices
energy above your max 2020/11/16, supercapacitor - overfill energy decays 66% slower (originally called supercapacitor)
inductive charging if crouched 7x passive energy generation
otherwise 0x passive energy generation
2021/06/19, catabolism and inductive coupling (originally called inductive coupling)
energy conservation doing damage to mobs generates energy 2019/10/30, added spore mod (originally called energy siphon, then later field siphon and energy transfer)
waste heat recovery if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
generate 0.05x max energy per second
2020/02/15, added a few mods and added custom difficulty (originally called waste energy recycling, and later waste energy recovery)
recycling if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
recover 0.005x maximum health every second
2020/02/15, added a few mods and added custom difficulty (originally called scrap waste recycling, and later scrap recycling)
torpor if a mob has not died in the last 5 seconds
0.3x damage taken
2021/02/19, in game music
stability 0.1x damage taken
while your health is at maximum
2024/06/28, tokamak
instability 2.5x damage while your damage taken is 1.00x

fire rate

2024/06/28, tokamak
control theory 2x damage while your health is at maximum 2024/06/28, tokamak
homeostasis missing health reduces damage taken
down to a limit of 0.2x at 0 health


health below 60 2022/07/24, robotics
negative feedback 1.006x damage for each missing health


health below 90
Zenos paradox 0.2x damage taken
–5% of current health every 5 seconds
antiscience –10 health after picking up
1.7x damage
ergodicity 0.50x from
1.7x damage
fluoroantimonic acid if your health is above 100
maximum health above 100
induction brake after using
slow nearby mobs for 17 seconds
not eddy current brake
adiabatic healing 2x from
+4% Junk choices
quenching 0.5x of over is added to maximum health not mass-energy
accretion follow you, even between levels
+4% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
not wormhole
accretion disk 1.07x damage for each power up on this level
+5% Junk choices


self-assembly at the start of each level for every 20 missing health spawn
interest at the start of each level spawn 5% of your , , , and (rounded up)
anthropic principle once per level, instead of dying use and spawn at least 1 research
weak anthropic principle after anthropic principle prevents your death
+60% duplication chance for that level
anthropic principle
strong anthropic principle after anthropic principle prevents your death
2.71828x damage for that level
anthropic principle
quantum immortality 0.7x damage taken
after dying continue in an alternate reality
many-worlds at the start of every level and enter an alternate reality not Ψ(t) collapse or Hilbert space
Ψ(t) collapse after a boss dies spawn
if you research enter an alternate reality
not many-worlds, Hilbert space, or pseudoscience
decoherence after a boss dies spawn
options you don't choose won't reoccur
not superdeterminism
coherence after observing a choice
that choice is avaiable for all future
peer review after you research gain 1.05x damage and +1% Junk choices at least 1 research, not superdeterminism
pseudoscience research 2 times for free, but +1% Junk choices each time not Ψ(t) collapse or superdeterminism
renormalization 47% chance to spawn after consuming
+5% Junk choices
at least 4 research, not superdeterminism
perturbation theory if you have no in your inventory
2x fire rate
no research
Bayesian statistics 1.05x damage per in your inventory


at least 2 research
ansatz after choosing , , or
if you have no in your inventory spawn
no research, not superdeterminism, Ψ(t) collapse, or perturbation theory
unified field theory when paused you can click to change your
2x frequency for   
not superdeterminism
eternalism 1.3x damage, but time doesn't pause while choosing , , or not unified field theory, paradigm shift, invariant
brainstorming randomize choices every 1.5 seconds for 10 seconds not superdeterminism
cross-disciplinary have an extra or choice
+5% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
not determinism
emergence , , or have +1 choice
1.1x damage
not emergence, cross-disciplinary, or integrated circuit
technical debt increase damage by 4x, but reduce damage by 0.15x for each you have


meta-analysis if you choose Junk you get a random choice and instead some junk tech
dark patterns 1.3x damage
+15% Junk choices
junk DNA increase damage by twice your Junk chance


junk in tech pool
mass production have extra choices to spawn , , or
+3% chance to duplicate owned power ups
virtual particles 17% chance after mobs die to spawn

[coupling effect]

fine-structure constant after a boss dies spawn
lose after mob collisions
residual dipolar coupling clicking cancel spawns

[coupling effect]

not superdeterminism
commodities exchange clicking cancel for , , or
spawns 8-12 , ,
not superdeterminism
options exchange clicking cancel for , , or
will randomize with 3x choices, once a level
not superdeterminism
futures exchange clicking cancel for , , or
gives +6% power up duplication chance
below 100% duplication chance, not superdeterminism
replication +10% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
+10% Junk choices
below 100% duplication chance
metastability +13% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
duplicate explode with a 4 second half-life
below 100% duplication chance
correlated damage duplication increases damage


duplication chance > 3%
parthenogenesis +8% to duplicate spawned power ups
duplication also duplicates mobs
some duplication chance
stimulated emission +20% chance to duplicate spawned power ups, collisions eject a random below 1% duplication chance
strange attractor 1.1x damage
removing this increases duplication by +11%
strange loop 1.1x damage
removing this gives a random with remove
null hypothesis 1.1x damage
removing this spawns
martingale 1.1x damage. removing this has a 50% chance return with 2x its damage


externality 1.1x damage
removing this spawns 50
deprecated after removing this gain 1.08x damage per removed this game


planned obsolescence at the start of each level eject your oldest and gain 1.1x damage each time
paradigm shift when paused clicking your ejects them
costs 1.0 health

(1.3x cost each use)

not superdeterminism

Instant tech

These tech instantly apply their effects and cant be removed. They are not shown in the tech list and don't count to your total tech count.

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
ordnance spawn and get 2x frequency for   
+6% Junk choices
2021/03/16, planned obsolescence (originally named gun sciences)
generalist spawn 7 , but your equipped cycles each level and you can't switch at least 2 guns and at least 5 unclaimed guns 2020/08/14, arsenal, generalist mod
ad hoc spawn a , , , , , or
for each in your inventory
at least 2 guns 2021/01/07, complex spinstatistics (originally called specialist)
applied science get a random    for each of in your inventory at least 2 guns 2021/11/11, applied science
supply chain spawn 2020/06/26, neocognitron pulse aim
ersatz bots double your bots
remove all in your inventory
not experiment mode, at least 4 bots 2020/05/24, sniper mob balance, bot replication mod (originally called self-replication, and later bot replication)
robotics construct 2 random bots at least 3 bots 2022/07/24, robotics
bot manufacturing use to build 3 random bots at least 4 bots 2020/12/11, nano bots
bot prototypes use to build 2 random bots
and upgrade all bots to a random type
at least 6 bots 2020/12/11, nano bots
maintenance 2x frequency for with
path integral your next has all possible choices
+4% Junk choices
not determinism or brainstorm
determinism spawn
, , or have only 1 choice
not emergence, cross-disciplinary, or integrated circuit
superdeterminism spawn
you can't cancel and no longer spawn
determinism, not ansatz, pseudoscience, or brainstorming
research spawn
next time increase amount spawned by +4
ammo spawn
next time increase amount spawned by +7
heals spawn
next time increase amount spawned by +7
field coupling spawn

[coupling effect]

quintessence convert [amount of research] into [(amount of research)x3]

[coupling effect]

having research
Born rule eject all your more than 6 tech
Occams razor randomly remove half your
for each removed 1.50x damage


more than 6 tech
exchange symmetry remove a random
at least 4 tech, not superdeterminism
Monte Carlo method remove a random
some duplication, at least 4 tech, not superdeterminism
missile-bot use to trade your missile for a bot that fires missiles missiles, not launch system
surfactant use to trade your foam for 2 foam-bots and foam-bot upgrade foam gun, no bot upgrades, fractionation, or pressure vessel
fault tolerance use to trade your drone for 5 drones that last forever drones, not drone repair, anti-shear topology, or autonomous navigation
optical amplifier gain 3 random laser
laser only turns off if you have no energy
laser gun, not pulse


These tech upgrade your gun. They can also upgrade certain fields or bots that have projectiles.

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
needle ice after needles impact walls
they chip off 1-2 freezing ice IX crystals
needle gun, needle gun, not nanowires 2021/08/21, needle ice
nanowires needles tunnel through blocks and map
1.2x needle damage
nail gun, needle gun, not needle ice 2021/12/04, grey intro
ceramics needles and harpoons pierce shields
dircetly damaging shielded mobs
nail gun or harpoon, not Bessemer process 2021/09/12, harpoon tech
needle gun nail gun and shotgun fire mob piercing needles nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, rivets, rotary cannon, pneumatic, incendiary, nail-shot, foam-shot, worm-shot, or ice-shot 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
stress concentration mobs below 50% durability die after you shoot
them near their center with needles or rivets
needles or rivets, not incendiary or supercritical fission 2022/06/19, stress concentatrion
rivet gun nail gun and shotgun slowly lob a heavy rivet nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, needles or pneumatic actuator 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
pneumatic actuator nail gun takes no time to ramp up to its fastest fire rate nail gun, not rotary cannon, rivets, or needles 2020/08/29, nail gun
ice crystal nucleation nail gun uses energy instead of ammo to condense freezing ice nails nail gun, not rivets or needles 2020/10/21, bug fix
rotary cannon nail gun has increased muzzle speed, maximum fire rate, accuracy, and recoil nail gun, not pneumatic actuator or needle gun 2021/10/23, rotary cannon
gauge rivets, needles, super balls, and nails have 1.3x mass and physical damage nails, nail gun, rivets, shotgun, super balls, or mine 2022/12/17, added images
supercritical fission if nails, or rivetssrike mobs
near their center they can explode
nail gun, mine, needles, nails, or rivets, not incendiary or stress concentration 2020/10/20, worm hole mods
irradiated nails nails, needles, and rivets are radioactive
2x radioactive damage over 3 seconds
nail gun, nails, rivets, or mine, not ceramic needles 2020/05/19, file reoganiation, mod has it's own file
6s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of plutonium-238
damage lasts +3 seconds
nail gun, mine, or irradiated nails, not 1s half-life 2020/06/04, minigun ramp up (was named "4s half-life" for a short amount of time before switching back to "6s half-life")
1s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of lithium-238
4x radioactive damage for 1 second
nail gun, mine, irradiated nails, not 6s half-life 2021/10/09, refractory metal
spin-statistics after firing the shotgun you are invulnerable
shotgun has 0.7x bullets per
Newtons 3rd law 1.7x shotgun fire rate and recoil shotgun, not Noether violation
Noether violation 1.5x shotgun damage
shotgun recoil is reversed
shotgun, not Newtons 3rd law
repeater shotgun immediately fires again for no ammo
reduced 0.5x shotgun fire rate
shotgun, not Newton's 3rd law
nail-shot shotgun drives a long clip of nails shotgun, not incendiary, rivets, foam-shot, worm-shot, ice-shot, or needles
foam-shot shotgun sprays sticky foam bubbles shotgun, not incendiary, nail-shot, rivet, worm-shot, ice-shot, or needles
ice-shot shotgun condenses ice IX crystals that freeze mobs shotgun, not incendiary, nail-shot, rivet, foam-shot, or worm-shot
freezer burn mobs frozen while below 33% durability die a freeze effect
flash freeze mobs frozen while above 66% durability
have their durability reduced to 66%
a freeze effect
crystallizer after frozen mobs die they shatter into ice IX crystals a localized freeze effect, no other mob death tech
thermoelectric effect after killing mobs with ice IX +100 energy ice IX
superfluidity freeze effects are applied to a small area around the target a localized freeze effect
triple point +5 second freeze duration a localized freeze effect
incendiary ammunition shotgun, rivets, super balls, and drones are loaded with explosives shotgun, super balls, rivets, or drones, not irradiated drones, burst drones, polyurethane, or Zectron
rebound after they collide with a mob, super balls gain speed, duration, and 1.3x damage super balls, not incendiary
Zectron 2x super ball damage, but after you collide with super balls they stop super balls, not incendiary ammunition or uncertainty principle
polyurethane foam super balls and harpoons colliding with mobs catalyzes a reaction that yields foam bubbles super balls or harpoon, not fragmentation
autocannon fire +2 super balls in a line
1.4x super ball velocity and gravity
super balls, but not the tech super ball
super duper randomly fire +0, +1, +2, or +3 extra super balls super balls, but not the tech super ball
super ball fire just 1 large super ball that stuns mobs for 2 seconds super balls, not super duper or autocannon
phase velocity wave particles propagate faster as solids
1.5x wave damage
wave, not phonon
amplitude 1.4x wave damage
1.4x wave bullet amplitude
propagation 0.75x wave propagation speed
1.4x wave damage
bound state wave packets reflect backwards 2 times
0.7x wave range
wave, not phonon
frequency wave has unlimited ammo
0.75x wave damage
phonon waves are low frequency, high damage expanding arcs that propagate through solids wave, not phase velocity, bound state
isotropic waves expand in all directions
0.6x range and 1.5x damage
wave, phonon, not uncertainty principle
mechanical resonance after a block gets vibrated by a phonon there is a chance it's flung at nearby mobs wave, phonon
sympathetic resonance after a mob gets vibrated by a phonon a new resonance wave expands wave, phonon
cruise missile 2x missile explosive damage, radius
0.5x missile speed
missiles, not launch system
ICBM 1.75x missile explosive damage, radius
0.5x missile speed
missiles, cruise missile
launch system 5x missile fire rate
1.3x missile ammo per
missiles, not cruise missile
iridium-192 explosion release gamma radiation
2x explosion damage over 4 seconds
an explosive damage source, not ammonium nitrate, nitroglycerin, chain reaction, fragmentation, or electric armor
fragmentation some detonations and collisions eject nails

blocks, grenades, missiles, rivets, harpoon

grenades, missiles, rivets, harpoon, or mass driver, not iridium-192 or polyurethane foam
ammonium nitrate 1.25x explosive damage, radius an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
nitroglycerin 1.7x explosive damage
0.7x smaller explosive radius
an explosive damage source, not iridium-192 or acetone peroxide
acetone peroxide 1.7x explosive radius
1.4x explosive damage taken
an explosive damage source, not nitroglycerin
shock wave mines and sporangium stun for 3-5 seconds
explosions stun for 0.5 seconds
mines, spores, or an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
shaped charge use to dynamically reduce all explosions to prevent health loss an explosive damage source, not rocket propelled grenade
MIRV fire +1 missile or grenade per shot
0.88x explosion damage and radius
missiles or grenades
rocket-propelled grenade grenades explode on map collisions
explosions drain energy, not health
grenades, not vacuum bomb, shaped charges, or mass-energy
vacuum bomb grenades fire slower, explode bigger, and suck everything towards them grenades, not neutron bomb, chain reaction, or rocket-propelled grenade
chain reaction 1.3x grenade radius and damage
blocks caught in explosions also explode
grenades, not neutron bomb, chain reaction, or rocket-propelled grenade
flame test after grenades detonate they trigger a colorful cluster of small explosions grenades, not neutron bomb, pyrotechnics, or fireworks
pyrotechnics after grenades detonate they trigger a colorful circle of explosions grenades, not neutron bomb, flame test, or fireworks
fireworks after grenades detonate they trigger colorful petals of explosions grenades, not neutron bomb, flame test, or pyrotechnics
neutron bomb grenades are irradiated with Cf-252
does radioactive damage over time
grenades, not fragmentation, vacuum bomb, iridium-192, pyrotechnics, fireworks, flame test, or chain reaction
vacuum permittivity 1.2x radioactive range
objects in range of the bomb are slowed
grenades, neutron bomb
radioactive contamination after a mob or shield dies, leftover radiation spreads to a nearby mob radiation damage source
nuclear transmutation 1.5x radiation damage

nail, drone, neutron bomb, iridium, cosmic string, deflect

radiation damage source
water shielding reduce radioactive effects on you by 0.2x

neutron bomb, drones, explosions, slime

neutron bomb, irradiated drones, or iridium-192
ricochet after nails hit a mob they rebound towards a new mob with 2.8x damage per bounce nail gun, not rotary cannon, rivets, or needles
booby trap 50% chance to drop a mine from power ups
+15% Junk choices
elephants toothpaste instead of nails mines catalyze a reaction that yields foam bubbles mines, not blast ball, ricochet, irradiated nails, or supercritical fission
blast ball mines fire bouncy balls instead of nails mines, not elephants toothpaste, ricochet, irradiated nails, or supercritical fission
laser-mines mines laid while you are crouched use energy to emit 3 unaimed lasers mines
sentry mines fire one nail at a time
mines fire 1.5x more nails
mines, not elephants toothpaste
extended magazine sentry mines fire 1.5x more nails mines, sentry
mycelial fragmentation during their growth phase 1.7x sporangium discharge spores
cordyceps sporangium infect mobs they attach to
infected mobs resurrect and attack other mobs
colony 1.6x sporangium discharge
33% chance to discharge something different
cryodesiccation 1.25x sporangium discharge
spores freeze mobs for 1.5 second
flagella 2x spore acceleration
if they can't find a target spores follow you
mutualism 3x spore damage
spores borrow 1 health until they die
necrophage if foam, fleas, or worms kill their target they grow 3 copies foam, spores, worms, fleas
siphonaptera spores metamorphose into fleas
shotgun fires fleas
spores, not worms
nematodes spores metamorphose into worms
shotgun fires worms
spores, not fleas
K-selection 1.37x worm and flea damage spores, shotgun, worms, fleas
path integration drones and spores travel with you through levels spores, worms, flagella, drones
ablative drones after losing health there is a chance to rebuild your broken parts as drones 2019/11/10, added hornets and ablative synthesis, and ceramic plating (oringinally called ablative synthesis)
reduced tolerances 2x drones per and energy
0.6x drone duration
drones, not irradiated drones
delivery drone if a drone picks up a power up, it becomes larger, faster, and more durable drones
von Neumann probe after a drone expires it will use –4 energy and a nearby block to replicate itself drones
brushless motor drones rapidly rush towards their target 1.33x drone collision damage drones, molecular assembler, not irradiated drones or incendiary
axial flux motor 1.66x drones rush frequency
1.44x drone collision damage
drones, brushless motor
irradiated drones the space around drones is irradiated
0.25x drones per and energy
drones, not reduced tolerances, incendiary, torque bursts, or ablative drones
beta radiation 0.5x drone duration
2x drone radiation damage
drones, irradiated drones
orthocyclic winding 1.66x drone acceleration
1.33x radiation damage
drones, irradiated drones
electrostatic induction foam bubbles are electrically charged, causing attraction to nearby mobs foam
uncertainty principle foam, wave, and super ball positions are erratic
1.5x foam, wave, and super ball damage
foam, wave, or super balls, not isotropic or Zectron
aerogel foam bubbles float with 0.5x foam duration
2.8x foam damage
surface tension 1.4x foam damage foam
cavitation 25% chance to discharge a huge foam bubble
2x foam gun recoil
foam fractionation if you have below 300 ammo
2x foam bubble size
ideal gas law 6x foam ammo per foam, not non-renewables
pressure vessel build up charge while firing foam
after firing discharge foam bubbles
capacitor bank charge effects build up almost instantly

blocks, foam, plasma ball, railgun, pulse, tokamak

mass driver, railgun, foam, pressure vessel, pulse, tokamak, plasma ball
Bitter electromagnet 0.66x railgun charge rate
2x harpoon density and damage
harpoon, railgun
railgun hold and release fire to launch harpoons
but, harpoons can't retract
harpoon, not UHMWPE, induction furnace, or quasiparticles
alternator 0.05x harpoon energy cost harpoon
autonomous defense if you collide with a mob fire harpoons at nearby mobs harpoon
Bessemer process 2.01x harpoon size and damage

(effect scales by 1/10 √ harpoon ammo)

harpoon, not ceramics
smelting forge 10 ammo into a new harpoon
fire +1 harpoon with each shot
UHMWPE 1.21x harpoon rope length

(effect scales by 1/80 of harpoon ammo)

harpoon, not railgun
induction furnace after using harpoon/grapple to collect power ups, 1.8x harpoon or grapple damage for 8 seconds harpoon, grappling hook, not railgun or brittle
brittle 2.2x harpoon/grapple damage to mobs at maximum durability harpoon, grappling hook, not induction furnace
quasiparticles convert current and future into that give 2.25x damage for 10 seconds harpoon, laser, wave, frequency, not railgun or non-renewables
relativistic momentum lasers push mobs and blocks laser, not pulse
iridescence if laser beams hit mobs near their center 2x laser damage laser, not pulse
lens 2.5x laser damage if it passes through a revolving 90° arc circular lens laser
compound lens 1.4x laser lens damage
+30° lens arc
specular reflection +2 laser beam reflections laser, not diffuse beam, pulse, or slow light
diffraction grating +1 diverging laser beam laser gun, diffuse beam, or slow light
collimator +1 laser beam
align your diverging laser beams to be parallel
laser gun, diffraction grating, not diffuse beam, slow light, or pulse 2025/01/26, another combo
diffuse beam your laser beam is wider, but it doesn't reflect
3.2x laser damage
laser gun, not specular reflection, diffraction grating, slow light, or pulse
output coupler 1.3x laser beam width
1.3x laser damage
laser gun, diffuse beam
delayed-choice your laser fires a 0.4 second delayed beam that does 0.7x damage laser gun, diffraction grating, diffuse beam
infrared diode 0.4x laser energy cost

infrared light is outside visual perception

laser, not free-electron or pulse
dye laser 0.75x laser energy cost
1.25x laser damage
laser, not pulse or infrared diode
free-electron laser 3x laser energy cost
3x laser damage
laser, not pulse or infrared diode
pulse charge your energy and release it as a laser pulse that initiates an explosion cluster laser gun, not specular reflection, diffuse, free-electron laser, optical amplifier


These tech upgrade your field.

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
spherical harmonics 1.5x standing wave deflection energy efficiency
shield deflection radius is stable
standing wave, not surface plasmons 2021/06/05
surface plasmons if deflecting drains all your energy emit laser beams that scale with max energy standing wave
zero point energy use
+166 maximum energy
standing wave, pilot wave, time dilation
expansion using standing wave field expands its radius
+77 maximum energy
standing wave 2021/06/05, tech: expansion
electronegativity 1.0023x damage per energy

(1.23x damage at max energy)

standing wave, wormhole, pilot wave
bremsstrahlung deflecting and thrown blocks do braking damage to mobs standing wave, perfect diamagnetism, pilot wave
cherenkov radiation bremsstrahlung's effects are radioactive
3.5x damage over 3 seconds
bremsstrahlung 2022/5/10, tech: cherenkov radiation
flux pinning mobs deflected by your are stunned for up to 4 seconds a field that can block
eddy current brake perfect diamagnetism slows nearby mobs
effect radius scales with stored energy
perfect diamagnetism, not induction brake 2020/10/5, eddy current brake
Meissner effect 1.55x perfect diamagnetism radius
+22° perfect diamagnetism circular arc
perfect diamagnetism
radiative equilibrium after losing health 4x damage for 4 seconds negative mass, pilot wave
dynamic equilibrium increase damage by your most recent health loss

([damage increase])

negative mass, pilot wave
neutronium 0.8x move and jump, but while your is active 0.05x damage taken negative mass, not equivalence principle
equivalence principle negative mass field doesn't cost energy negative mass, not neutronium
aerostat 2x damage while off the ground negative mass, grappling hook
annihilation mobs you collide with are annihilated and –10 energy negative mass, not mass-energy
inertial mass negative mass is larger and faster negative mass
Newtons 1st law damage taken is proportional to your speed
up to 0.05x damage taken at 60 speed


negative mass, grappling hook 2020/11/25, pause menu on selection
Newtons 2nd law damage is proportional to your speed
up to 3x damage at 60 speed


negative mass, grappling hook 2020/11/25, pause menu on selection
MOND your speed counts as +20 higher

(for Newton's 1st and 2nd laws)

Newtons 1st or 2nd law
additive manufacturing hold crouch and use to print a block with 1.8x density, damage, and launch speed molecular assembler, pilot wave, not tokamak
working mass pressing jump in midair will print a block to jump off of molecular assembler or pilot wave
pair production after picking up a power up
+200 energy
molecular assembler, pilot wave, standing wave
electric generator after deflecting mobs
molecular assembler generates +50 energy
molecular assembler
combinatorial optimization 1.35x damage
0.65x fire rate
time dilation, cloaking, pilot wave
tokamak tokamak converts thrown blocks into energy and a pulsed fusion explosion plasma torch, molecular assembler, grappling hook, not printer, reel, or swarf
stellarator the first 5 blocks detonated by tokamak spawn proportional to block size tokamak
inertial confinement while holding a block charged with tokamak you can use energy to fly tokamak
degenerate matter if your is active 0.1x damage taken plasma torch, grappling hook, pilot wave
plasma-bot use to trade your for a bot that uses energy to emit plasma plasma torch, not extruder, plasma ball
plasma jet use
1.5x plasma torch range
plasma torch, not plasma ball
extruder extrude a thin hot wire of plasma
increases damage and energy cost
plasma torch, not plasma ball 2020/12/13, extruder
refractory metal extrude metals at a higher temperature
increases effective radius and damage
plasma ball grow an expanding ball of plasma
increases damage and energy cost
plasma torch, not extruder, plasma jet
corona discharge increase the range and frequency of plasma ball's electric arc plasma ball
retrocausality time dilation uses energy to rewind your health, velocity, and position up to 10 seconds time dilation, not CPT symmetry
frame-dragging when not moving time dilation stops time
0.6x damage taken
time dilation
Lorentz transformation use
1.5x movement, jumping, and fire rate
time dilation or pilot wave
time crystals 2.5x passive energy generation

+6.0 energy per second

time dilation or pilot wave, not ground state
no-cloning theorem +40% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
after a mob dies -1% duplication
cloaking, time dilation
metamaterial absorber for each mob left alive after you exit a level there is a 25% chance to spawn a random power up cloaking
symbiosis after a boss dies spawn tech
after a mob dies -0.25 maximum health
boson composite while cloaked you are intangible to blocks and mobs, but mobs drain energy metamaterial cloaking
patch after cloaking recover 0.75x of your last health lost metamaterial cloaking, not mass-energy 2022/7/26, patch
dazzler after decloaking stun nearby mobs for 2 seconds metamaterial cloaking 2020/9/26, ionization energy
topological defect 2.1x damage to mobs at maximum durability cloaking, pilot wave, not reaction inhibitor 2024/1/4, winter vacation update
hidden-variable theory 1.2x damage after you choose    pilot wave
WIMPs at the end of each level spawn and a dangerous particle that slowly chases you wormhole, pilot wave, time dilation 2021/5/13, WIMPs
vacuum fluctuation use
+11% chance to duplicate spawned power ups
wormhole, time dilation, negative mass, pilot wave 2021/7/11, field research tech

(originally named virtual particles)

transdimensional worms after a block falls into a wormhole spawn a worm wormhole 2022/4/11, wiggle
geodesics your bullets can traverse wormholes
1.5x damage
wormhole 2020/10/20, worm hole mods
(originally named traversable geodesics)
cosmic string after tunneling through mobs with a wormhole stun them and do radioactive damage wormhole 2020/10/18, wormhole mods
invariant while placing your wormhole use energy to pause time wormhole, not eternalism 2022/1/13, invariant
holographic principle 0.66x movement and jumping
wormholes cost zero energy
wormhole, not affine connection (originally named "charmed baryons")
affine connection wormholes can tunnel through anything for 2x energy cost wormhole, not charmed baryons
CIWS grappling hook uses 10 energy to fire harpoons at nearby mobs grappling hook
swarf after grappling hook impacts something eject nails splinters towards nearby mobs grappling hook, not reel, tokamak 2023/11/25, grappling hook 2nd update
(originally named rupture)
reel 5x block collision damage up to +100 energy after reeling in blocks grappling hook, not mass driver, swarf, tokamak 2023/12/3, grapple tech


Main article: Junk

These tech are usually either entirely cosmetic, absurd, or even hindering, and can only be obtained from increasing the Junk percentage.

removed tech

These tech have been removed from the game and are unobtainable in newer versions.

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD) Update removed (YYYY/MM/DD)
parasitism if a mob has died in the last 5 seconds
2x damage, no passive energy generation
not inductive charging 2021/11/20, Occam's razor (originally called predator) 2025/01/19, combos
official tech skin tech tungsten carbidenitinolHiggs mechanismVerlet integrationHilbert spaceaperturediaphragmmass-energy equivalencedepolarizationCPT symmertry
normal tech 1st ionization energyrepolarizationcausality botscausality bombsternaryintegrated armamentarsenalcoolingpigeonhole principlemarginal utilityPareto efficiencylogisticscachecatabolismnon-renewablesdesublimated ammunitiongun turretdead reckoningkinetic bombardmentmicrostatesregressionsimulated annealingheuristicsmechatronicsdynamical systemsanti-shear topologyfracture analysisremineralizationdemineralizationshear stressthermal runawayzoospore vectorexcitonband gappolaritoncolliderbubble fusionenthalpycascading failurereaction inhibitorscrap botsscrap refitnail-botnail-bot upgradefoam-botfoam-bot upgradesound-botsound-bot upgradeboom-botboom-bot upgradelaser-botlaser-bot upgradeorbital botorbital-bot upgradedynamo-botdynamo-bot upgradeperimeter defensenetwork effectbot fabricationopen-sourcedecorrelationanticorrelationmass driverHalbach arrayinflationrestitutionflywheelbucklingfirst derivativedark matteraxiondark energyMACHOentropic gravitydark starnon-Newtonian armortessellationPauli exclusionspin-statistics theoremfermionabelian grouprefrigerantpiezoelectricityground stateheat engineexothermic processGibbs free energyoverchargeMaxwells demoninductive chargingenergy conservationwaste heat recoveryrecyclingtorporstabilityinstabilitycontrol theoryhomeostasisnegative feedbackZenos paradoxantiscienceergodicityfluoroantimonic acidinduction brakeadiabatic healingquenchingaccretionaccretion diskself-assemblyinterestanthropic principleweak anthropic principlestrong anthropic principlequantum immortalitymany-worldsΨ(t) collapsedecoherencecoherencepeer reviewpseudosciencerenormalizationperturbation theoryBayesian statisticsansatzunified field theoryeternalismbrainstormingcross-disciplinaryemergencetechnical debtmeta-analysisdark patternsjunk DNAmass productionvirtual particlesfine-structure constantresidual dipolar couplingcommodities exchangeoptions exchangefutures exchangereplicationmetastabilitycorrelated damageparthenogenesisstimulated emissionstrange attractorstrange loopnull hypothesismartingaleexternalitydeprecatedplanned obsolescenceparadigm shift
instant tech ordnancegeneralistad hocapplied sciencesupply chainersatz botsroboticsbot manufacturingbot prototypesmaintenancepath integraldeterminismsuperdeterminismresearchammohealsfield couplingquintessenceBorn ruleOccams razorexchange symmetryMonte Carlo methodmissile-botsurfactantfault toleranceoptical amplifier
guntech needle icenanowiresceramicsneedle gunstress concentrationrivet gunpneumatic actuatorice crystal nucleationrotary cannongaugesupercritical fissionirradiated nails6s half-life1s half-lifespin-statisticsNewtons 3rd lawNoether violationrepeaternail-shotfoam-shotice-shotfreezer burnflash freezecrystallizerthermoelectric effectsuperfluiditytriple pointincendiary ammunitionreboundZectronpolyurethane foamautocannonsuper dupersuper ballphase velocityamplitudepropagationbound statefrequencyphononisotropicmechanical resonancesympathetic resonancecruise missileICBMlaunch systemiridium-192fragmentationammonium nitratenitroglycerinacetone peroxideshock waveshaped chargeMIRVrocket-propelled grenadevacuum bombchain reactionflame testpyrotechnicsfireworksneutron bombvacuum permittivityradioactive contaminationnuclear transmutationwater shieldingricochetbooby trapelephants toothpasteblast balllaser-minessentryextended magazinemycelial fragmentationcordycepscolonycryodesiccationflagellamutualismnecrophagesiphonapteranematodesK-selectionpath integrationablative dronesreduced tolerancesdelivery dronevon Neumann probebrushless motoraxial flux motorirradiated dronesbeta radiationorthocyclic windingelectrostatic inductionuncertainty principleaerogelsurface tensioncavitationfoam fractionationideal gas lawpressure vesselcapacitor bankBitter electromagnetrailgunalternatorautonomous defenseBessemer processsmeltingUHMWPEinduction furnacebrittlequasiparticlesrelativistic momentumiridescencelenscompound lensspecular reflectiondiffraction gratingdiffuse beamoutput couplerdelayed-choiceinfrared diodedye laserfree-electron laserpulse
fieldtech spherical harmonicssurface plasmonszero point energyexpansionelectronegativitybremsstrahlungcherenkov radiationflux pinningeddy current brakeMeissner effectradiative equilibriumdynamic equilibriumneutroniumequivalence principleaerostatannihilationinertial massNewtons 1st lawNewtons 2nd lawMONDadditive manufacturingworking masspair productionelectric generatorcombinatorial optimizationtokamakstellaratorinertial confinementdegenerate matterplasma-botplasma jetextruderrefractory metalplasma ballcorona dischargeretrocausalityframe-draggingLorentz transformationtime crystalsno-cloning theoremmetamaterial absorbersymbiosisboson compositepatchdazzlertopological defecthidden-variable theoryBells theoremprinciple of localityWIMPsvacuum fluctuationtransdimensional wormsgeodesicscosmic stringinvariantholographic principleaffine connectionCIWSswarfreel
JUNK tech swap meetrandomboostplacebouniversal healthcaredefunctreturnpanpsychismmeteor showerreinforcement learningstartle responseclosed timelike curvediscountHiggs phase transitionharvestbrainstormcatabolysispalantírmotion sicknessfacsimilenegative frictionbouncemouthall-starstrue colorsemergency broadcastingautomatichidden variablenot a bugwhat the block?stationaryspinorp-zombiedecomposerspanopticonFourier analysisdisintegrated armamentprobabilityencryptionquantum leapscoreaerodynamicspop-upsmusicperformancerepartitioningdefragmentpitchumbralighterthe upside downrewindundoenergy to mass conversionlevel.nextLevel()reincarnationexpert systemenergy investmentmissile launching systemgrenade productionwall jumpSleipnirdiegesis🐱n-gonepareidoliaposturerhythmprismshipcircular symmetrypet botsassimilationstuntranslucentdifficultyre-researchblack holeapomixismobs!black hole clusterrule 30rule 90wikipediacosmogonic mythbeforeunloadplanetesimalstinkerNFT
removed tech parasitism
community tech