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From n-gon Wiki
m, standing

m is the playable character in n-gon.


Moving m is very easy as it is a 2D game. Use WASD or the Arrow Keys (you can customise the controls) to move, jump, and crouch.


You can view all theses stats in the pause menu.


health is the amount of life you have left, with 100 being the maximum by default. You can increase your health with heals.


energy is used to activate your field, and 100 is the maximum by default. It regenerates passively, at different speeds depending on your field (+4 energy/sec for field emmiter).


This refers to how much of a mob's health you take away. You can also see the amount with the current level you are on level (this will depend one your chosen difficulty). It starts of at 1x.

damage taken

This refers to how much of your health mobs take away from you. You can also see the amount with the current level you are on. It starts of at 1x.


m's mass by default is 5, but grabbing blocks increases it. Your speed and jump height are lower if your mass increases.


This refers to the probability of a Power-up to duplicate. It is 0% by default and can be increased with various tech.

duplication chance, junk chance, fire rate, (I will continue editing this later…)