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nail gun

From n-gon Wiki
Revision as of 09:48, 20 January 2025 by SquareCube (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{stub}} thumb|Image of nail gun. '''nail gun''' is a {{guncircle}} {{guntext}} in ''n-gon''. ==In-game description== :use compressed air to rapidly drive '''nails''' :{{fireratetext}} '''increases''' the longer you fire :27 nails per {{ammocircle}} == Strategies == == Related {{Guntechcircle}} {{guntext}}{{techtext}}== {| class="wikitable sortable" !Image !Tech !Description !Requirements (if any) !Update added (YYYY/MM/DD) |- |...")

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Image of nail gun.

nail gun is a gun in n-gon.

In-game description

use compressed air to rapidly drive nails
fire rate increases the longer you fire
27 nails per


Related    guntech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
nanowires needles tunnel through blocks and map

1.2x needle damage

nail gun, needle gun, not needle ice 2021/12/04, grey intro
ceramics needles and harpoons pierce shields

dircetly damaging shielded mobs

nail gun or harpoon, not Bessemer process 2021/09/12, harpoon tech
needle gun nail gun and shotgun fire mob piercing needles nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, rivets, rotary cannon, pneumatic, incendiary, nail-shot, foam-shot, worm-shot, or ice-shot 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
stress concentration mobs below 50% durability die after you shoot

them near their center with needles or rivets

needles or rivets, not incendiary or supercritical fission 2022/06/19, stress concentatrion
rivet gun nail gun and shotgun slowly lob a heavy rivet nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, needles or pneumatic actuator 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
pneumatic actuator nail gun takes no time to ramp up to its fastest fire rate nail gun, not rotary cannon, rivets, or needles 2020/08/29, nail gun
ice crystal nucleation nail gun uses energy instead of ammo to condense freezing ice nails nail gun, not rivets or needles 2020/10/21, bug fix
rotary cannon nail gun has increased muzzle speed, maximum fire rate, accuracy, and recoil nail gun, not pneumatic actuator or needle gun 2021/10/23, rotary cannon
gauge rivets, needles, super balls, and nails have 1.3x mass and physical damage nails, nail gun, rivets, shotgun, super balls, or mine 2022/12/17, added images
supercritical fission if nails, or rivetssrike mobs

near their center they can explode

nail gun, mine, needles, nails, or rivets, not incendiary or stress concentration 2020/10/20, worm hole mods
irradiated nails nails, needles, and rivets are radioactive

2x radioactive damage over 3 seconds

nail gun, nails, rivets, or mine, not ceramic needles 2020/05/19, file reoganiation, mod has it's own file
6s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of plutonium-238
damage lasts +3 seconds
nail gun, mine, or irradiated nails, not 1s half-life 2020/06/04, minigun ramp up (was named "4s half-life" for a short amount of time before switching back to "6s half-life")
1s half-life nails, needles, rivets are made of lithium-238

4x radioactive damage for 1 second

nail gun, mine, irradiated nails, not 6s half-life 2021/10/09, refractory metal

Update history
