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Console commands

From n-gon Wiki
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

Console Commands are all the commands that you can input into your browser's Javascript Console. You can see all of them after taking the Console Commands Power-up, that is found in the secret passage of initial.

Mods that don't have a website require you to paste code in the Console; however, you can also save it as a bookmark.

List of Commands

  • powerUps.instructions.effect(): This shows the list of Console Commands.
  • powerUps.warp.effect() : Lets you warp to any level.
  • b.giveGuns("name"): Gives guns.
  • m.setField("name"): Sets your field.
  • tech.giveTech("name"): Gives you tech.
  • tech.damage *= x: Multiplies your damage.
  • m.immuneCycle = Infinity: Makes you invulnerable.
  • m.health = x: Sets your health.
  • m.maxHealth = x: Sets your max health.
  • m.energy = x: Sets your energy.
  • m.maxEnergy = x: Sets your max energy.
  • lore.unlockTesting(): Unlocks testing mode
  • simulation.enableConstructMode(): Unlocks construct mode.
  • powerUps.spawn(m.pos.x, m.pos.y, "name"): Spawn a power up of your choice.


These mods don't have an official website, so you may need to paste the code: