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== Related {{Guntechcircle}}{{guntext}}{{techtext}}==
== Related {{Guntechcircle}}{{guntext}}{{techtext}}==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!Requirements (if any)
!Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
|after not using {{Blasttext|blast}} for '''2''' seconds
your next {{Blasttext|detonation}} has '''100%''' increased
'''radius''' and guaranteed {{Stuntext|stun}}
|blast gun, not car bomb
|increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} {{damagetext}} by '''18.8%'''
increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} '''radius''' by '''8.4%'''
|blast gun
|increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} '''radius''' by '''50%'''
decrease {{Blasttext|detonation}} {{damagetext}} by '''30%'''
|blast gun
|car bomb
|after not using {{Blasttext|blast}} for '''2''' seconds
increase '''movement''' by '''80%'''
reduce {{Harmtext|harm}} by '''40%'''
|blast gun, not quake
|white phosphorus
|mobs {{Stuntext|stunned}} by {{Blasttext|detonations}} {{explodetext|explode}}
|blast gun, not BLEVE
|{{explodetext|explosion}} release {{radiationtext|gamma radiation}}
'''100%''' more {{damagetext}}, but over 4 seconds
|an explosive damage source, not ammonium nitrate or nitroglycerin
|[[ammonium nitrate]]
|increase {{explodetext|explosive}} {{damagetext}} by '''27%'''
increase {{explodetext|explosive}} '''radius''' by '''27%'''
|an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
|increase {{explodetext|explosive}} {{damagetext}} by '''66%'''
decrease {{explodetext|explosive}} '''radius''' by '''33%'''
|an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
|[[acetone peroxide]]
|increase {{explodetext|explosive}} '''radius''' by '''80%''', but
you take '''200%''' more {{Harmtext|harm}} from {{explodetext|explosions}}
|an explosive damage source
|[[shock wave]]
|'''mines''' and {{explodetext|explosions}} {{Stuntext|stun}} for '''1-2''' seconds
decrease {{explodetext|explosive}} {{damagetext}} by '''30%'''
|an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
|controlled explosion
|use {{researchcircle}}{{researchcircle}}{{researchcircle}} to dynamically '''reduce''' all
{{explodetext|explosions}} until they do no {{Harmtext|harm}}
|an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
|electric reactive armor
|{{Harmtext|harm}} from {{explodetext|explosions}} is passively reduced
by '''5%''' for every '''10''' stored {{energytext}}
|an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
|{{Blasttext|detonations}} are {{radiationtext|radioactive}}
about '''120%''' more {{damagetext}} over '''4''' seconds
|blast gun
more blast guntech
|{{Blasttext|detonations}} pull in '''mobs'''
that are slightly outside of their '''radius'''
|blast gun
more blast guntech
|increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} {{damagetext}} by '''250%'''
{{Blasttext|detonations}} cause you {{Harmtext|harm}}
|blast gun, quake, not white phosphorus
more blast guntech
|blast wave
|increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} {{Stuntext|stun chance}} by '''7%'''
increase {{Blasttext|detonation}} {{Stuntext|stun duration}} by '''0.3''' seconds
|blast gun
more blast guntech
|heavy shell
|increase {{Blasttext|blast}} {{fire rate|delay}} after firing
{{damagetext}} and {{Stuntext|stun chance}} by '''22%'''
|blast gun, not compressed gas
more blast guntech
|compressed gas
|'''shotgun''' and {{Blasttext|blast}} release {{hydrogen|hydrogen gas}}
that {{iceIXtext|slows}} mobs and can {{explodetext|ignite}}
|shotgun, blast gun, no shotgun bullet replacement tech, not heavy shell
long metal rod
|hydrogen embrittlement
|{{hydrogen|hydrogen}} increases '''vulnerability''' to
{{damagetext}} by '''5%''' per second for mobs
|hydrogen, not tritium
long metal rod
|{{hydrogen|hydrogen}} is {{radiationtext|radioactive}}
and does {{damagetext}} to '''mobs'''
|hydrogen, not hydrogen embrittlement
long metal rod
|cloud condensation nuclei
|{{hydrogen|hydrogen}} is attracted to nearby '''mobs'''
|hydrogen, not deuterium
|{{hydrogen|hydrogen}} effects are '''boosted''' by '''100%'''
but {{hydrogen|hydrogen}} '''sinks''' downwards
|hydrogen, not cloud condensation nuclei
|[[fracture analysis]]
|bullet impacts do '''400%''' {{damagetext}}
to {{Stuntext|stunned}} mobs
|a stun effect
==Update history==
==Update history==

Revision as of 20:20, 25 February 2025

This article is a stub. You can help the n-gon Wiki by expanding it.
This article is about community (i.e. fanmade) content related to n-gon. The information presented here is created by fans and may not be officially endorsed or affiliated with landgreen.

blast is a community gun for the game n-gon in the mod c-gon.

In-game description

accumulate and release air in a self-detonation
that stuns and pushes away nearby mobs


Related   guntech

Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
quake after not using blast for 2 seconds

your next detonation has 100% increased

radius and guaranteed stun

blast gun, not car bomb 2024/10/04


acetylene increase detonation damage by 18.8%

increase detonation radius by 8.4%

blast gun 2024/10/04


deflagration increase detonation radius by 50%

decrease detonation damage by 30%

blast gun 2024/10/04


car bomb after not using blast for 2 seconds

increase movement by 80%

reduce harm by 40%

blast gun, not quake 2024/10/04


white phosphorus mobs stunned by detonations explode blast gun, not BLEVE 2024/10/04


iridium-192 explosion release gamma radiation

100% more damage, but over 4 seconds

an explosive damage source, not ammonium nitrate or nitroglycerin
ammonium nitrate increase explosive damage by 27%

increase explosive radius by 27%

an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
nitroglycerin increase explosive damage by 66%

decrease explosive radius by 33%

an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
acetone peroxide increase explosive radius by 80%, but

you take 200% more harm from explosions

an explosive damage source
shock wave mines and explosions stun for 1-2 seconds

decrease explosive damage by 30%

an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
controlled explosion use to dynamically reduce all

explosions until they do no harm

an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
electric reactive armor harm from explosions is passively reduced

by 5% for every 10 stored energy

an explosive damage source, not iridium-192
nitrogen-17 detonations are radioactive

about 120% more damage over 4 seconds

blast gun 2024/10/05

more blast guntech

counterblast detonations pull in mobs

that are slightly outside of their radius

blast gun 2024/10/05

more blast guntech

BLEVE increase detonation damage by 250%

detonations cause you harm

blast gun, quake, not white phosphorus 2024/10/05

more blast guntech

blast wave increase detonation stun chance by 7%

increase detonation stun duration by 0.3 seconds

blast gun 2024/10/05

more blast guntech

heavy shell increase blast delay after firing

damage and stun chance by 22%

blast gun, not compressed gas 2024/10/05

more blast guntech

compressed gas shotgun and blast release hydrogen gas

that slows mobs and can ignite

shotgun, blast gun, no shotgun bullet replacement tech, not heavy shell 2024/10/24

long metal rod

hydrogen embrittlement hydrogen increases vulnerability to

damage by 5% per second for mobs

hydrogen, not tritium 2024/10/24

long metal rod

tritium hydrogen is radioactive

and does damage to mobs

hydrogen, not hydrogen embrittlement 2024/10/24

long metal rod

cloud condensation nuclei hydrogen is attracted to nearby mobs hydrogen, not deuterium 2024/10/24


deuterium hydrogen effects are boosted by 100%

but hydrogen sinks downwards

hydrogen, not cloud condensation nuclei 2024/10/24


fracture analysis bullet impacts do 400% damage

to stunned mobs

a stun effect

Update history


official guns current nail gunshotgunsuper ballswavemissilesgrenadessporesdronesfoamharpoonminelaser
former flakrail gunpulseflechettesvacuum bombneutron bombice IXM80
community guns n-gon enhanced (sniper) • n-gon upgraded (MRFF) • n-gon portal gun (portal gun) • n-scythe (scythespearswordMR ferrofluid) • c-gon (blastrebarflank)