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Image of shotgun.

shotgun is a gun in n-gon.

In-game description

fire a wide burst of short range pellets
has a slow fire rate
1.6 shots per


Related    guntech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
needle gun nail gun and shotgun fire mob piercing needles nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, rivets, rotary cannon, pneumatic, incendiary, nail-shot, foam-shot, worm-shot, or ice-shot 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
rivet gun nail gun and shotgun slowly lob a heavy rivet nail gun or shotgun, not ice crystal, needles or pneumatic actuator 2021/01/16, nail gun rework
gauge rivets, needles, super balls, and nails have 1.3x mass and physical damage nails, nail gun, rivets, shotgun, super balls, or mine 2022/12/17, added images
spin-statistics after firing the shotgun you are invulnerable
shotgun has 0.7x bullets per
Newtons 3rd law 1.7x shotgun fire rate and recoil shotgun, not Noether violation
Noether violation 1.5x shotgun damage
shotgun recoil is reversed
shotgun, not Newtons 3rd law
repeater shotgun immediately fires again for no ammo
reduced 0.5x shotgun fire rate
shotgun, not Newton's 3rd law
nail-shot shotgun drives a long clip of nails shotgun, not incendiary, rivets, foam-shot, worm-shot, ice-shot, or needles
foam-shot shotgun sprays sticky foam bubbles shotgun, not incendiary, nail-shot, rivet, worm-shot, ice-shot, or needles
ice-shot shotgun condenses ice IX crystals that freeze mobs shotgun, not incendiary, nail-shot, rivet, foam-shot, or worm-shot
incendiary ammunition shotgun, rivets, super balls, and drones are loaded with explosives shotgun, super balls, rivets, or drones, not irradiated drones, burst drones, polyurethane, or Zectron
siphonaptera spores metamorphose into fleas
shotgun fires fleas
spores, not worms
nematodes spores metamorphose into worms
shotgun fires worms
spores, not fleas
K-selection 1.37x worm and flea damage spores, shotgun, worms, fleas

Update history


official guns current nail gunshotgunsuper ballswavemissilesgrenadessporesdronesfoamharpoonminelaser
former flakrail gunpulseflechettesvacuum bombneutron bombice IXM80
community guns n-gon enhanced (sniper) • n-gon upgraded (MRFF) • n-gon portal gun (portal gun) • n-scythe (scythespearswordMR ferrofluid) • c-gon (blastrebarflank)