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super balls

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Image of super balls.

super balls is a gun in n-gon.

In-game description

fire 3 balls that retain
momentum and kinetic energy after collisions
4 balls per


  • Crouching increases your shots' precision
  • super balls are very good in narrow maps like reactor or

Related   guntech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
gauge rivets, needles, super balls, and nails have 1.3x mass and physical damage nails, nail gun, rivets, shotgun, super balls, or mine 2022/12/17, added images
incendiary ammunition shotgun, rivets, super balls, and drones are loaded with explosives shotgun, super balls, rivets, or drones, not irradiated drones, burst drones, polyurethane, or Zectron
rebound after they collide with a mob, super balls gain speed, duration, and 1.3x damage super balls, not incendiary
Zectron 2x super ball damage, but after you collide with super balls they stop super balls, not incendiary ammunition or uncertainty principle
polyurethane foam super balls and harpoons colliding with mobs catalyzes a reaction that yields foam bubbles super balls or harpoon, not fragmentation
autocannon fire +2 super balls in a line
1.4x super ball velocity and gravity
super balls, but not the tech super ball
super duper randomly fire +0, +1, +2, or +3 extra super balls super balls, but not the tech super ball
super ball fire just 1 large super ball that stuns mobs for 2 seconds super balls, not super duper or autocannon
uncertainty principle foam, wave, and super ball positions are erratic
1.5x foam, wave, and super ball damage
foam, wave, or super balls, not isotropic or Zectron

Update history


official guns current nail gunshotgunsuper ballswavemissilesgrenadessporesdronesfoamharpoonminelaser
former flakrail gunpulseflechettesvacuum bombneutron bombice IXM80
community guns n-gon enhanced (sniper) • n-gon upgraded (MRFF) • n-gon portal gun (portal gun) • n-scythe (scythespearswordMR ferrofluid) • c-gon (blastrebarflank)