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Image of drones.

drones are a gun in n-gon.

In-game description

deploy autonomous drones that smash into mobs
drones collect nearby power ups
7 drones per


Related tech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
fault tolerance use to trade your drone for 2 foam-bots and foam-bot upgrade drones, not drone repair, anti-shear topology, or autonomous navigation
surfactant use to trade your foam for 5 drones that last forever foam gun, no bot upgrades, fractionation, or pressure vessel
incendiary ammunition shotgun, rivets, super balls, and drones are loaded with explosives shotgun, super balls, rivets, or drones, not irradiated drones, burst drones, polyurethane, or Zectron
nuclear transmutation 1.5x radiation damage

nail, drone, neutron bomb, iridium, cosmic string, deflect

radiation damage source
water shielding reduce radioactive effects on you by 0.2x

neutron bomb, drones, explosions, slime

neutron bomb, irradiated drones, or iridium-192
path integration drones and spores travel with you through levels spores, worms, flagella, drones
ablative drones after losing health there is a chance to rebuild your broken parts as drones 2019/11/10, added hornets and ablative synthesis, and ceramic plating (oringinally called ablative synthesis)
reduced tolerances 2x drones per and energy
0.6x drone duration
drones, not irradiated drones
delivery drone if a drone picks up a power up, it becomes larger, faster, and more durable drones
von Neumann probe after a drone expires it will use –4 energy and a nearby block to replicate itself drones
brushless motor drones rapidly rush towards their target 1.33x drone collision damage drones, molecular assembler, not irradiated drones or incendiary
axial flux motor 1.66x drones rush frequency
1.44x drone collision damage
drones, brushless motor
irradiated drones the space around drones is irradiated
0.25x drones per and energy
drones, not reduced tolerances, incendiary, torque bursts, or ablative drones
beta radiation 0.5x drone duration
2x drone radiation damage
drones, irradiated drones
orthocyclic winding 1.66x drone acceleration
1.33x radiation damage
drones, irradiated drones

Update history


official guns current nail gunshotgunsuper ballswavemissilesgrenadessporesdronesfoamharpoonminelaser
former flakrail gunpulseflechettesvacuum bombneutron bombice IXM80
community guns n-gon enhanced (sniper) • n-gon upgraded (MRFF) • n-gon portal gun (portal gun) • n-scythe (scythespearswordMR ferrofluid) • c-gon (blastrebarflank)