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scythe is a community gun for n-gon in the mod n-scythe.

In-game description

throw a scythe that keeps velocity upon collisions
drains health instead of ammunition
doesn't use ammo


Related   guntech

Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
drawn out +1 scythe blade parts
1.3x scythe damage
Ti-6Al-4V 1.1x scythe range
1.15x scythe damage
scythe, not phase transition or genetic drift
potential flow +0.1 scythe rotation radians
1.5x scythe damage
scythe, not reaping
duality forge +1 scythe blade
0.9x scythe damage
scythe, not genetic drift
phase transition when scythe is active become invulnerable
drain energy
scythe and mass-energy equivalence, not Ti-6Al-4V
titanium nitride scythe now uses ammo instead of health
+24% Junk to tech pool
scythe, Ti-6Al-4V
reaping +2 scythe blades and 1.7x handle length
scythe is now swung
scythe, duality
neurotoxin scythe stuns mobs for 1.5 seconds
-0.1 scythe rotation radians
scythe, either reaping or genetic drift
genetic drift scythe no longer drains health and swung
scythe has durability and is slightly longer
scythe, not drawn out, more than one stack of Ti-6Al-4V, duality, or titanium nitride

Update history


official guns current nail gunshotgunsuper ballswavemissilesgrenadessporesdronesfoamharpoonminelaser
former flakrail gunpulseflechettesvacuum bombneutron bombice IXM80
community guns n-gon enhanced (sniper) • n-gon upgraded (MRFF) • n-gon portal gun (portal gun) • n-scythe (scythespearswordMR ferrofluid) • c-gon (blastrebarflank)