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energy condenser

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energy condenser is a community field available in the n-gon mod n-gon upgraded.

Energy condenser

In-game description

Concentrate energy into health
Must be crouching to use this effect
6 energy per second


None yet


  Point Concentration

Improved health-per-energy ratio for energy condenser
0.0032 health per energy


n-gon-upgraded patch 71ee371 v1.6.1: fixed bug where health would not regenerate even when energy was being consumed
n-gon-upgraded patch 1465ae0 v1.6.0: added Energy condenser field

official fields current field emitterstanding waveperfect diamagnetismnegative massmolecular assemblerplasma torchtime dilationmetamaterial cloakingpilot wavewormholegrappling hook
former phase decoherence fieldkinetic energy field
community fields n-gon enhanced (einstein's shieldmatter displacement) • n-gon upgraded (energy condenser) • n-scythe (tachyonic field)