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From n-gon Wiki

fields are one of the major power ups in the game. They give unique abilities, but you can only have one at a time. A field's main purpose is collecting power ups and most of the can be used to grab and throw blocks. Each field generates a certain amount of energy. They can be upgraded with    fieldtech. There are currently 11 fields in the game, and the default field is field emitter.

The field power up will allow you to switch to another field. You will have a menu with 2 choices that can be rerolled with research, and closed with cancel.

List of fields

Current fields

Previous fields

  • phase decoherence field (reworked to metamaterial cloaking)
  • kinetic energy field

Community fields

official fields current field emitterstanding waveperfect diamagnetismnegative massmolecular assemblerplasma torchtime dilationmetamaterial cloakingpilot wavewormholegrappling hook
former phase decoherence fieldkinetic energy field
community fields n-gon enhanced (einstein's shieldmatter displacement) • n-gon upgraded (energy condenser) • n-scythe (tachyonic field)