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standing wave

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standing wave
standing wave in use.

standing wave (formerly called standing wave harmonics) is a field in n-gon.

In-game description

3 oscillating shields are permanently active
+150 max energy
6 energy per second


Related   fieldtech

Image Tech Description Requirements (if any) Update added (YYYY/MM/DD)
spherical harmonics 1.5x standing wave deflection energy efficiency
shield deflection radius is stable
standing wave, not surface plasmons 2021/06/05
surface plasmons if deflecting drains all your energy emit laser beams that scale with max energy standing wave
zero point energy use
+166 maximum energy
standing wave, pilot wave, time dilation
expansion using standing wave field expands its radius
+77 maximum energy
standing wave 2021/06/05, tech: expansion
electronegativity 1.0023x damage per energy

(1.23x damage at max energy)

standing wave, wormhole, pilot wave
bremsstrahlung deflecting and thrown blocks do braking damage to mobs standing wave, perfect diamagnetism, pilot wave
cherenkov radiation bremsstrahlung's effects are radioactive
3.5x damage over 3 seconds
bremsstrahlung 2022/5/10, tech: cherenkov radiation
flux pinning mobs deflected by your are stunned for up to 4 seconds a field that can block

Update history


official fields current field emitterstanding waveperfect diamagnetismnegative massmolecular assemblerplasma torchtime dilationmetamaterial cloakingpilot wavewormholegrappling hook
former phase decoherence fieldkinetic energy field
community fields n-gon enhanced (einstein's shieldmatter displacement) • n-gon upgraded (energy condenser) • n-scythe (tachyonic field)